Davis Legal Media: Legalese Spoken Here

Davis Legal Media
Immigration Law Special Issue

“You can’t log onto social media or open your email inbox without being inundated with content,” said Alexandra Davis, founder of Davis Legal Media. “More than ever, it’s vital to focus on quality. Your content will only stand out if it meets one requirement: It simply must be better than the rest.”

Davis, a former civil litigation attorney, launched Davis Legal Media in early 2018 to help lawyers do just that. “Lawyers came to me and said, ‘I know I need to be doing this digital marketing thing. I know I need to create content. But I have no clue how to start, where to publish it, how much I should be putting out there, or what I should write about.”

In her day-to-day work, Davis applies her litigation background, advising attorneys on the subject matter, tone, voice, and angle of their written content to ensure it resonates with their audiences. If there was a sign on the door of her office, it might read, Legalese Spoken Here. “I think it would be difficult for someone who doesn’t have a legal background to understand the legal jargon well enough to convert it into layman’s terms,” said Davis. “Lawyers repeatedly tell me, ‘I’m so glad you’re a lawyer, because we speak the same language.’”

Davis Legal Media provides solo and small firm attorneys with ghostwritten books, bylined articles, speech copy, and professional biographies. “We work with lawyers who understand the value of content but are intimidated by the digital realm and aren’t sure how to professionally navigate publishing their work online,” she said. Her goal is to help lawyers reconnect to their “why,” noting: “Presumably, my clients started practicing law so they could serve clients, not dabble in social media and content marketing. I hope that by taking some of the grunt work of marketing off their plates, they can focus on what they do best.”

Introducing Dais

This fall, Davis is officially launching Dais, a brand that provides bundled marketing and strategy packages for law firms. “A dais is a platform on which you stand to promulgate a message. I named the brand ‘Dais’ because my goal is to help lawyers build a platform to amplify their voices and showcase their authority,” explained Davis. “We do this by helping our clients create a consistent, powerful, distinctive, and recognizable brand. We act as a one-stop-shop for lawyers seeking to build their platforms in digital media and become seen, known, and respected leaders in their industries.”

Dais offers a more streamlined, cost-effective way for lawyers to take advantage of expert content marketing services. However, Davis’ team still works with lawyers one-on-one to understand their marketing goals and to ensure they are adequately meeting their needs. “We always carefully craft the language to fit not only the lawyers’ voices, but also cater to the specific audiences and populations they are serving.”

Ethical Legal Marketing in A Post-Pandemic Landscape

“The pandemic forced lawyers to rethink how they market. While we used to rely on networking events, CLEs, conferences, and other in-person opportunities, now lawyers are confronting the key questions: How can I become seen and known? Where can I show up for those who need my services?”

Davis explained that content marketing has largely supplanted these in-person networking efforts. However, she dropped a caveat: It is all too easy to run afoul of the Rules of Professional conduct when publishing content online. As an attorney herself, Davis is versed in these rules.

“I’ve had attorneys tell me they hired a general marketing agency to help them build their websites and create content only to realize the work was fraught with ethical violations,” said Davis. “We pride ourselves on helping lawyers be both effective and ethical online.”

Bob Friedman

Robert "Bob" Friedman is the publisher of Attorney at Law Magazine North Carolina Triangle. He contributes articles and interviews to each issue.

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