Personal Injury Special Issue

Attorney at Law Magazine is proud to introduce its Inaugural Personal Injury special issue celebrating personal injury lawyers nationwide. 

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View 2024 Personal Injury Issue

Lawyers! I’m so excited to introduce the Inaugural Personal Injury issue! We truly hope that this kicks off a great tradition for Attorney at Law Magazine. In this issue, we’ve interviewed some standout personal injury lawyers and teams from across the country. Thank you to each of the lawyers for sharing their story with us.

Michael T. Bell is featured as the Attorney of the Month and cover story. As the managing partner of Mike Bell Accident and Injury Lawyers, Mike has made a name for himself in Birmingham. Follow his journey to launching his own successful personal injury firm in his story, “Keep Going, Keep Improving.”

Robert Simon of Simon Law Group in Los Angeles sat down with us to share how he and his team took their successful personal injury practice and embraced technology to create two new endeavors becoming a “‘Virtual’ Overnight Success Story.”

Nic Edgson the new CEO and managing partner of Big Auto Accident Attorneys in Phoenix sat down with us to discuss the big plans he has for the firm since taking his place at the helm in “Big Plans Ahead.”

In “Mission Impossible,” the team of Spohrer Dodd share about the impossible cases they took on and transformed into successful outcomes and their accompanying philosophy.

Coleman Cowan shares his journey from practicing law to his time as a journalist working for 60 Minutes and his return to the practice of law in, “To Live. Not Exist.”

Our next special issue will spotlight family law and divorce lawyers. If you’d like to participate, learn more here ››

Happy reading,

Michael Elbrecht


Michael Elbrecht

The Stories

Michael T. Brown

Michael T. Bell: Keep Going, Keep Improving

In the pulsating realm of the legal landscape, where each case is a battleground and justice is the ultimate prize, one name stands out like a beacon of triumph—Michael T. Bell. A highly successful personal injury attorney whose achievements sparkle with multiple awards, whose educational journey reads like a tale of relentless ambition, and whose commitment to the community echoes

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The Simon Law Group: A ‘Virtual’ Overnight Success Story

In an era where the pulse of progress is measured by technological advancements, individuals often find themselves at a crossroads—whether to shy away from the unfamiliar, succumbing to the grip of fear, or to ardently embrace the potential held by innovation. Much like the inherent dichotomy of the human “fight or flight” response, these contrasting reactions define our relationship with

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Nic Edgson

Nic Edgson: Big Plans Ahead

Attorney at Law Magazine sat down with Big Auto Accident Attorneys CEO and Managing Attorney Nic Edgson to discuss his career and the “big” plans he has for his firm. AALM: Tell us about your experience playing football. How did that experience shape you? NE: I love sports. The lessons, skills and discipline learned as an athlete have shaped my

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Coleman Cowan

Coleman Cowan: To Live. Not Exist.

After 10 years of practicing law, Coleman Cowan had had enough. He turned his back on a successful career as a trial lawyer filled with favorable jury verdicts, settlements, and awards, to do something different. Exactly what? He didn’t know. Just not this. The decision was a slow burn from a fateful night a few years earlier in Durham. Cowan

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Spohrer Dodd

Mission Impossible: Spohrer Dodd Attorneys Tackle Cases of Epic Proportions

In the high-stakes world of personal injury law, there are cases that seem insurmountable, almost like a real-life Mission Impossible. But for Spohrer Dodd Personal Injury Attorneys, impossible is just a word. With a track record that reads like a Hollywood script, this exceptional team has not only accepted but thrived on the most challenging cases, earning them a reputation

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Michael T. Brown

Michael T. Bell: Keep Going, Keep Improving

In the pulsating realm of the legal landscape, where each case is a battleground and justice is the ultimate prize, one name stands out like a beacon of triumph—Michael T. Bell. A highly successful personal injury attorney whose achievements sparkle with multiple awards, whose educational journey reads like a tale of relentless ambition, and whose commitment to the community echoes

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The Simon Law Group: A ‘Virtual’ Overnight Success Story

In an era where the pulse of progress is measured by technological advancements, individuals often find themselves at a crossroads—whether to shy away from the unfamiliar, succumbing to the grip of fear, or to ardently embrace the potential held by innovation. Much like the inherent dichotomy of the human “fight or flight” response, these contrasting reactions define our relationship with

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Nic Edgson

Nic Edgson: Big Plans Ahead

Attorney at Law Magazine sat down with Big Auto Accident Attorneys CEO and Managing Attorney Nic Edgson to discuss his career and the “big” plans he has for his firm. AALM: Tell us about your experience playing football. How did that experience shape you? NE: I love sports. The lessons, skills and discipline learned as an athlete have shaped my

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Coleman Cowan

Coleman Cowan: To Live. Not Exist.

After 10 years of practicing law, Coleman Cowan had had enough. He turned his back on a successful career as a trial lawyer filled with favorable jury verdicts, settlements, and awards, to do something different. Exactly what? He didn’t know. Just not this. The decision was a slow burn from a fateful night a few years earlier in Durham. Cowan

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Spohrer Dodd

Mission Impossible: Spohrer Dodd Attorneys Tackle Cases of Epic Proportions

In the high-stakes world of personal injury law, there are cases that seem insurmountable, almost like a real-life Mission Impossible. But for Spohrer Dodd Personal Injury Attorneys, impossible is just a word. With a track record that reads like a Hollywood script, this exceptional team has not only accepted but thrived on the most challenging cases, earning them a reputation

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