Bryan Brice and Rob Gelblum

Bryan Brice and Rob Gelblum

Bryan Brice (pictured) has served as staff attorney with the US EPA in DC, handled environmental matters for the NC Department of Transportation (AG Office), and in private practice for over 20 years. He is a member of ABA and NCBA Environmental sections. He is Chairman of the UNC Institute for the Environment Board of Visitors. Contact Bryan: (919) 754-1600, [email protected]. Rob Gelblum served as Counsel to NC’s Brownfields Program and the state’s Superfund Program. He created the first model documents for imposing residual-waste-related Land Use Restrictions at contaminat-ed sites. Gelblum served as Chair of the NCBA’s Environmental and Natural Resources Section. He is a Vice-Chair of the ABA Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee. Contact Rob: (919) 754-1600, [email protected].

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