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Omar Saman

Omar Saman

Omar Saman is a top Criminal Defense attorney serving Texas.

(713) 521-9955

Meet Omar Saman

Omar Saman is the founding attorney of Omar Saman Law Firm in Houston, Texas. He is a first-generation American. An accomplished and driven student, Omar earned his law degree by the age of 23. His parents instilled in him a strong work ethic and a determination to succeed.

He founded his firm in 2003 with the intention of practicing personal injury law. A referral from a colleague, however, changed the course of his career. With his first criminal defense representation – a felony case – he was hooked. “The gratitude from my client and his family was unforgettable,” he said.  

For over 20 years, he has dedicated himself to advocating for his clients. He has been able to secure case dismissals in over 1,500 cases. Omar provides experienced representation on criminal matters involving DWI, drugs, violent crimes, weapons cases, and theft. He handles both misdemeanor and felony cases. He has also helped with expunction and nondisclosures for those already convicted of a charge.

His dedication to his clients was noted when he won the Avvo Clients’ Choice Award for six consecutive years. 

Practice Area Specialties

  • DWI
  • Drug Crimes
  • Violent Crimes
  • Weapon Cases
  • Theft
  • Traffic Crimes
  • Misdemeanor
  • Federal Crimes
  • Felony Crimes
  • Expunction & Non Disclosures

Case Highlights

Secured Over 1,500 Case Dismissals
20 Years of Experience
Omar Saman

Contact Omar Saman

Practice Area: Criminal Defense

Location: Texas.

Accepting New Cases: Yes

What it's Like Working With Omar Saman

Omar Saman

(713) 521-9955

Visit Website

202 Travis St Suite 309, Houston, TX 77002

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