For the Public

Comparing Personal Injury Attorneys in Springfield, MA: How to Choose the Right One for Your Case

Hundreds of thousands of people end up in emergency rooms and hospitals annually due to preventable injuries. Unfortunately, these accidents and related medical needs happen again and again because other people continue to fail to do their part in preventing injuries in the first place. The spectrum ranges from unsafe driving to a lack of awareness of safety in commercial

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What Causes Freeway Accidents in Arizona? And Why Are They So Dangerous?

There are three factors that increase the risk of freeway accidents in Arizona: Speed Volume Lack of Attention Drivers travel at speeds of 65 and 85 mph – or more – on Arizona freeways. Not only does this decrease the time drivers have to react to dangerous conditions, but it also results in much more serious accidents. Crashes at freeway

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how is fault determined in a personal injury claim

What’s Your Personal Injury Case in Phoenix, Arizona Worth?

The amount of compensation you can obtain after an accident depends on a number of factors. The most important of these include whether someone else was fully liable for the accident, the extent of your injuries, whether you can go back to work, and whether you will need ongoing medical care. The best way to get an idea of how

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What Does a Free Personal Injury Consultation in Phoenix, Arizona Entail?

A free personal injury consultation involves a lawyer evaluating your case to determine whether you have a legal claim and, if you do, how much your claim may be worth. Most personal injury lawyers in Phoenix work on a contingency fee, so they’re not going to get paid unless you get paid. At the start of the case, they’ll evaluate

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Recovering Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injuries in Charlotte, NC

After a traumatic brain injury is suffered, a long process of healing and recovery begins. The process can take years, and the individual who suffered the injury may never be who they were once again. Someone with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) needs ongoing medical care, and rehabilitation, and may never be able to work again. It’s for these reasons

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Mass Tort Case

Types of Evidence to Strengthen Your Personal Injury Case in Mobile, AL

No one goes about their day expecting to be an accident victim, but it’s a reality everyone faces as they take care of their needs. All it takes is for someone to make a bad decision, encounter a hazardous condition, a poorly maintained entryway, and similar situations to cause you serious injury. You can gain compensation for your injuries, but

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The Impact of Revenue from a Collaboration Agreement on the 271(e)(1) Defense in Patent Infringement Cases

The Hatch-Waxman Act, established in 1984, provided a significant reform to the regulatory framework surrounding pharmaceutical patents in the United States. A key element of this reform was the introduction of the ‘safe harbor’ provision, known formally as 35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(1). This provision shields certain activities related to the development and submission of information to the U.S. Food and

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Comparing Personal Injury Attorneys in Springfield, MA: How to Choose the Right One for Your Case

Hundreds of thousands of people end up in emergency rooms and hospitals annually due to preventable injuries. Unfortunately, these accidents and related medical needs happen again and again because other people continue to fail to do their part in preventing injuries in the first place. The spectrum ranges from unsafe driving to a lack of awareness of safety in commercial

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What Causes Freeway Accidents in Arizona? And Why Are They So Dangerous?

There are three factors that increase the risk of freeway accidents in Arizona: Speed Volume Lack of Attention Drivers travel at speeds of 65 and 85 mph – or more – on Arizona freeways. Not only does this decrease the time drivers have to react to dangerous conditions, but it also results in much more serious accidents. Crashes at freeway

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how is fault determined in a personal injury claim

What’s Your Personal Injury Case in Phoenix, Arizona Worth?

The amount of compensation you can obtain after an accident depends on a number of factors. The most important of these include whether someone else was fully liable for the accident, the extent of your injuries, whether you can go back to work, and whether you will need ongoing medical care. The best way to get an idea of how

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What Does a Free Personal Injury Consultation in Phoenix, Arizona Entail?

A free personal injury consultation involves a lawyer evaluating your case to determine whether you have a legal claim and, if you do, how much your claim may be worth. Most personal injury lawyers in Phoenix work on a contingency fee, so they’re not going to get paid unless you get paid. At the start of the case, they’ll evaluate

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Recovering Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injuries in Charlotte, NC

After a traumatic brain injury is suffered, a long process of healing and recovery begins. The process can take years, and the individual who suffered the injury may never be who they were once again. Someone with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) needs ongoing medical care, and rehabilitation, and may never be able to work again. It’s for these reasons

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Mass Tort Case

Types of Evidence to Strengthen Your Personal Injury Case in Mobile, AL

No one goes about their day expecting to be an accident victim, but it’s a reality everyone faces as they take care of their needs. All it takes is for someone to make a bad decision, encounter a hazardous condition, a poorly maintained entryway, and similar situations to cause you serious injury. You can gain compensation for your injuries, but

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The Impact of Revenue from a Collaboration Agreement on the 271(e)(1) Defense in Patent Infringement Cases

The Hatch-Waxman Act, established in 1984, provided a significant reform to the regulatory framework surrounding pharmaceutical patents in the United States. A key element of this reform was the introduction of the ‘safe harbor’ provision, known formally as 35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(1). This provision shields certain activities related to the development and submission of information to the U.S. Food and

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