Talk of the Town Upgrades

Talk of the Town is one of the most popular sections in Attorney at Law Magazine. Lawyers, law firms and legal associations are invited to submit news items free of charge for online publication. We receive dozens of press releases each day. 

Submitters can choose to upgrade their press release using the upgrade drop down selection. Options include the following:

The Sponsored Post

We offer the option to sponsor your press release which will allow for your press release to get top billing for at least 1 week. Below is a brief description of all included with the purchase.

Rotating Top Listing on Talk of the Town. Your press release will be placed in the rotating top spot on the Talk of the Town page. 

Featured in Weekly Newsletter. The press release will be included in the Talk of the Town newsletter. It will be displayed prominently and will include an image. 

Promoted on Social Media. The press release will also be promoted on the Attorney at Law Magazine social media accounts as #FeaturedNews.