How to File for a Divorce in Cape Girardeau, Missouri

how to file for a divorce in missouri
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Once you’ve made a decision to get a divorce, you then need to start the process going. In the state of Missouri, divorce is also known as dissolution of marriage. The one who was filing the divorce is called the petitioner. And the other person is called the respondent.

There are a few things you need to know if you are filing for a divorce in the state of Missouri. First of all, at least the party to the marriage must have lived in the state for at least 90 days. If you don’t meet that time frame, you’ll need to put your divorce on hold until you do. You can file for a divorce in the state of Missouri regardless of whether or not you have an attorney representing you. If you should decide to do a divorce on your own, the state requires you to complete a litigant awareness program. You can do this by completing the written litigant awareness materials or by watching an online video. The litigant awareness program will give you information on how to protect yourself while going through a divorce. After you complete the program, you then need to fill in a form of completion. Once you complete the form, it must then be submitted to the circuit court.

It is the petition for the dissolution of marriage that begins the divorce process. And if you have any children under 18 years of age, you must include their names on this paperwork The court needs this to determine child custody and child support. When filing for a divorce comment you need to decide whether or not you want to use a divorce lawyer. The decision to use a divorce lawyer will be dependent on your circumstances. If you and your spouse can work out things among yourselves smoothly, you may not need to hire a divorce attorney. However, if you have disagreements about child support, child custody, or alimony, you may need to hire a divorce attorney. Other times to hire a divorce lawyer include if there is domestic abuse or if you feel your partner is hiding assets or money.

You can also file for divorce on your own in an uncontested divorce. Just keep in mind that it still wise to consult with a lawyer to go over your agreement. This way, you can ensure that your interests and rights are protected. An attorney can also make sure that your divorce forms meet the court’s requirements.

If you do decide to hire a divorce lawyer for your divorce, it is important that you choose the one that is a good fit for you. Ask yourself a few questions. Do you need a lawyer to fight your spouse in court? Do you need a lawyer who can help you work out the issues with your spouse? Everybody’s situation is different. Does the attorney use collaborative options? These are some of the things that you will want to know. You and your spouse will have to use your own attorney. It is a conflict of interest for parties in a divorce to use the same attorney. This way, you have an attorney who is fighting for you and one who is not neutral.

You can also choose to have a collaborative divorce in the state of Missouri. A collaborative divorce is one in which the attorneys and the spouses do not litigate. Your attorney can attend any mediation meetings during a collaborative divorce.

You can also choose to have a divorce mediation in the state of Missouri. Assigned mediators work with both spouses to reach an agreed resolution regarding the divorce. Again, your attorney can attend any mediation meetings.

Another option for filing for divorce in the state of Missouri is to do it all right online. It’s an easy and straightforward process. You can either choose to have all of the legal forms mailed to you directly or just download them and print them out yourself. The forms you receive are both legal and state-approved.

Common Problems with a Divorce

There are a few common problems with a divorce. Property separation is one of the common problems. Property may have been acquired before the marriage. And it becomes tricky when the spouses have shared everything. Arguments over child custody are another common problem.  There may be arguments over how often you see your children, and who actually gets physical custody of their children. An attorney can assist you with working out these disagreements. Arguments over existing debt are another point of contention for couples who are divorcing each other. This can be a tough issue. Especially if one of the spouses was heavy on the credit card, and the other spouse was not. It’s best to work with your attorney to work these issues out in a fair manner and just way.

These are just a few of the most common complications that typically arise during a divorce. Because of the complications and risks that can arise in a divorce, it is always a good decision to hire a divorce attorney. An experience divorced attorney has the knowledge and the skills to resolve issues and complications. Having an experienced divorce attorney in your corner will help give you the best outcome of your divorce. After all, you don’t want any problems to pop up after the divorce.

Going through a divorce is never easy. There are usually a lot of different emotions involved.  Having a family attorney represents you for a divorce can help put some distance between you and your spouse. An attorney can do all of the negotiating with your spouse’s attorney instead of you trying to settle things on your own.  Plus, a divorce attorney is a strong advocate on your behalf. They will work hard to ensure you come out of your divorce financially stable. This way, you can begin your new life.

If you are considering a divorce, be sure to set up a free consultation with the Birk Law Firm. The Birk Law Firm has handled hundreds of divorces for its clients successfully.

Kelvin Birk

Kelvin Birk is a lawyer as well as a certified public accountant, with more than 30 years of experience in accounting, tax, and business consulting. Additionally, he has more than 20 years of experience in Family Law matters including divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, and numerous others.

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