10may1:00 pm2:30 pmThe Superpower in Lawyering Part 2 - Humanizing Your Law Practice: Elevating Your Legal Skills with Additional ToolsAmerican Bar Association

Event Details

It is time to go deeper into how accepting who you are can lead to increased connections, resilience, and efficacy in practicing law. Back by popular demand, we continue our exploration of how being an effective lawyer is more than your substantive work. The best lawyers know how to lead from their whole selves to connect with clients, co-counsel, the court, and juries. In 2023, and now in 2024, ours is a world of disconnection and it will never be enough to simply be an excellent technical lawyer. Allowing yourself to remember the real you, allows you to generate wellness for yourself and your practice. Join this panel as we explore in more depth what the humanity of lawyering looks like and how to find harmony being you AND a lawyer.


(Friday) 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm