Michael C. Grieco: Offering a Unique Representation Formula

Michael C. Grieco
Women in Law Special Issue

If you’ve got the right lawyer with you, we’ve got the best legal system in the world.” — Robert Trott, “Justice,” Fox, August 30, 2006, episode 1.1

Representing white-collar professionals, athletes and Hollywood stars who may have never or rarely ever encountered a courtroom in their lives requires an attorney who knows how to interact with the press as well as manage a case without a hitch. Well versed in both criminal prosecution and criminal defense strategies, Michael C. Grieco offers a unique representation formula.

Armed with a J.D. from the University of Miami School of Law, Grieco joined the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office. A former Felony Division Chief, he has prosecuted against the worst criminals society has to offer. He never hesitated to participate in and/or try hundreds of criminal cases, including homicides, narcotics offenses, firearms charges, property crimes, whitecollar offenses, and DUI’s.

Today, Grieco and his strategic partners now draw on that experience to assist the accused as well as crime victims. The Grieco Law Firm not only represents a litany of criminal defendants, but also works as and with corporate counsels for numerous Miami and New York businesses in litigation and transactional matters, as well as municipal ordinance violation defense/prevention. Frequently receiving referrals from other attorneys, Grieco routinely retains the referring lawyer, agent, etc. in the loop, with the client’s blessing, so that he can have a better command of how the client’s case is being handled. Additionally, Grieco regularly acts as a legal consultant for several professional athletes and a sports management firm and is sought out by media outlets for legal analysis regarding high-profile criminal matters, including the George Zimmerman prosecution and FAMU hazing case.

Firm in the belief that every client deserves undivided attention, Grieco evaluates potential clients to determine whether or not it’s a good fit for both attorney and client. The Grieco Law Firm caps its case load to provide unparalleled representation.

Concierge Attorney Philosophy

The most common grievances regarding lawyers involve the client-attorney relationship and communication,” said Grieco. “Our goal is to be available to all of our clients 24/7 via email, text and phone.”

Grieco’s devotion to personal attention for all of his clients, small and large, derives from an example set by his father, a general surgeon in New York.

“My father has always dedicated a vast majority of his time to tending to his patients, explaining every avenue of treatment and walking them through the process of recovery,” noted Grieco. “His practice is held in the highest regard because of the extra time and effort he puts forth on behalf of his patients. Like him, we devote the time and energy to walk our clients through the entire legal process and explain every option available to them. We are what you could call ‘concierge criminal attorneys’.”

Most of the firm’s clients have concerns beyond the criminal courthouse. A criminal prosecution carries with it certain collateral consequences that could be devastating to some. Because a simple arrest can jeopardize one’s career, professional license, driving privilege, ability to apply for a loan or school, and access to condominium associations, Grieco strives to protect not only his clients’ freedom and liberty, but their lives beyond the legal system.

Due to the nature of his clients who range from police officers, doctors and lawyers to renowned athletes and actors, Grieco staunchly protects his clients’ privacy and does his best to keep them out of the media while keeping them apprised of every aspect of the case. Preferring to over-inform his clients of their rights and options, Grieco maintains an open line of communication and essentially holds their hands every step of the way.

“When found in a situation that requires my services, many people tend to ‘freak out’,” said Grieco. “I do my best to talk them off the ledge, so to speak, by walking them through the process.”

Notable Cases

“Miami is a vacation destination for travelers from every walk of life,” said Grieco. “With the party atmosphere, people unwittingly walk into situations where they may be pulled over for a DUI or similar offense when they don’t live in the area. About 20% of our clientele falls into this category where we handle the case while they are living elsewhere.”

Recently, Grieco represented a defendant (no criminal past) facing life in prison for multiple violent allegations. After a yearlong battle with prosecutors, he was able to obtain a dismissal and his client’s freedom.

Certainly not all of the firm’s cases revolve around such tragic circumstances. Michael Grieco was recently in court representing two police officers and was able to garner a ‘not guilty’ ruling for one of them and one case was dismissed due to his arguments.

Additionally, The Grieco Law Firm does not shy away from potentially high profile cases and has represented several notable NBA and NFL athletes as well as local night club owners. The firm successfully lowered the media profile of each of these cases.

Reliance on Technology Embracing all available technology in the marketplace to expand communication opportunities for clients, The Grieco Law Firm remains planted firmly on the cutting edge in terms of Law Offices. They rely heavily on every social media site available from Facebook to Twitter; LinkedIn to YouTube, to both reach potential new clients as well as maintain the current roster.

“It would be nearly impossible NOT to get in touch with us,” noted Grieco. “But, this is what I signed up for – to be available to my clients whenever they need me, regardless of where I am at the time.”

Providing clients with their personal cell phone numbers and email addresses to call, text or email when they need to reach their attorneys with a question, comment or fear about ongoing litigation, The Grieco Law Firm maintains their number one goal, to be available to interact when their clients need them.

Key to a Balanced Life

“Although we dedicate a lot of time to the practice and our clients, it’s equally important to make extra effort outside of work to connect with your family,” mentioned Grieco. “Our clients appreciate the fact that we are balanced human beings.”

To maintain a healthy work/life balance, Grieco enjoys spending time with his family and exercising regularly. He is a member of the Miami Children’s Hospital Young Ambassadors Board and Diamond Society, the Pillar Board for the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Miami Beach Police/Citizens Advisory Board.

Jackson Williams

Jackson Williams is a writer with Attorney at Law Magazine. He has written for the publication for more than six years.

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