Right Discovery for the Right eDiscovery Solutions

Women in Law Special Issue

“The bottom line for the attorneys and legal firms who work with Right Discovery – the real value in our relationship with them – is providing the best services and the latest AI powered tools such as Everlaw and Relativity so that our clients have full discretion in how they bill their services while overcoming the challenges of eDiscovery,” says Dominic Harwood, eDiscovery director in charge of business development for the DFW Metro area.

Right Discovery is a staffing and technology company that provides total services from forensic collections, data hosting with Everlaw and Relativity, to managed review, production and trial preparation. Right Discovery’s partnership with Everlaw underpins most of their client relationships because it combines an industry leading technology platform with the flexibility of Right Discovery’s support and staffing model.

Everlaw is a comprehensive eDiscovery platform built for the cloud to provide speed, scale, efficiency, insight and ease of use, even for complex searches and predictive coding.

“When working with firms with an in-house litigation support group our aim and preference is to fully support that team in its mission, whether that is to maximize utilization of technical staff or to become a profit center and increase billables from within the firm. Either way we support their mission by providing the technology platform and hourly support they need at the project level, or with embedded staff as a team member for short or longer term placement. Flexibility is key,” Harwood says.

When working with all firms, large and small, the Right Discovery aim is to provide support on a technology platform that works for most, if not all, client concerns. The partnership with Everlaw provides just that regardless of the size of the matter, as Everlaw can process up to 900K documents per hour, while simultaneously checking for errors and duplicates, of nearly all data types and including automatic OCR of images and audio transcriptions.

Harwood says, “We believe ease of use and the all-inclusive pricing model of Everlaw in partnership with Right Discovery’s flexible support make it the most economically viable platform in the industry, even for cases with smaller document populations.”

The availability of training tools, access to webinars, training videos, and support within the platform makes available powerful analytics and machine learning tools for all legal professionals. The more familiar our clients become with the platform the more they can do. Right Discovery supports them with that because it gives them choices about what work they do and bill for, and what tasks Right Discovery does that get passed through to their client.

The Right Discovery Everlaw partnership is, therefore, a flexible business model that gives our clients the technology, scale and solution for all their eDiscovery challenges.

“Our website promises ‘solving problems without forcing solutions’ and we deliver. We consult with our clients to find the right tools to fit their litigation needs. There is a lot of amazing technology available to the greater Dallas legal community. It can get confusing and at times seem overwhelming. We have the answers. By using all our technology options, we offer clients the most efficient and cost-effective solutions to their eDiscovery roadblocks.”


Dan Baldwin

Dan Baldwin is a writer for Attorney at Law Magazine. He has been contributing to the magazine since 2012.

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