Aronfeld Trial Lawyers Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Sexual Assault Victim Aboard Margaritaville Cruise Ship

MIAMI, FL—Miami-based Aronfeld Trial Lawyers has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court Southern District of Florida Palm Beach Division (CASE NO. 9:23-cv-81599), on behalf of a passenger who was raped by a bartender aboard the Margaritaville at Sea Paradise cruise.

Hoobesh Kumar Dookhy (Dookhy), a bartender in his early 20s served the Plaintiff (Jane Doe) and her cabinmate alcohol that night, had held on to the room key used to pay for the drinks and went into their room after both fell asleep. The plaintiff said she awoke to Dookhy sexually assaulting her. The incident occurred on or about the evening of May 5, 2023.

As a result of the sexual assault, Jane Doe, became pregnant, and was forced to terminate the pregnancy from which she then suffered serious complications. As a further direct and proximate result of the subject incident, the plaintiff was injured in and about her body and extremities, suffered physical, emotional, and psychological pain therefrom, embarrassment, humiliation, sustained mental anguish and emotional and psychological pain and suffering, aggravation and activation of preexisting conditions, and sustained disability and the inability to lead a normal life.

She has incurred expenses for medical and mental health treatment and counseling and will continue to do so in the future, with the future health care expenses being reasonably certain to occur. These damages are permanent or continuing in their nature and Jane Doe will continue to sustain and incur such compensatory damages in the future.

We are requesting a judgement in her favor against the Defendant, CLASSICA, (aka- ‘Margaritaville at Sea’) and demand a trial by jury, for compensatory and punitive damages and costs of this action in excess of $75,000.00, exclusive of interest, costs, and attorney’s fees.

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