Legal Soft Inc. Leading Through Change

When other companies come into a law firm, they want to fix just one thing. Whether it’s marketing, staffing, IT, or whatever, it’s still just one thing, and one part of the problem,” says Legal Soft Inc. Founder and CEO Hamid Kohan. “We handle everything from A to Z. We set up law firms; we grow and expand them; and we take them through a whole incubation period. We start with a 12-month business plan and in less than two years we can take a 10-person office to 100.”

Some have dubbed him the David Copperfield of legal business solutions because just like magic his company can effectuate a complete 180, transforming a struggling firm into an explosive success.

“It’s not magic,” Kohan says with a laugh. “It’s just solid strategies and the implementation of powerful technology. Lawyers went to law school, not business school.”

A highly disciplined professional, Kohan never wastes a minute of his day. When he sits down with a law firm or solo practitioner, he gets right to the point, “What are your priorities?”

“Some tell me they are tired of working six days a week and want to spend more time with their family. Others say they don’t care how many hours they work, they just want to make as much money as possible,” says Kohan. “In either case, I can show them how to reach that goal in two years. Once I understand their goals and priorities, I can lay out a game plan.”

In addition to demonstrating the potential of utilizing the right technology and business plan, Kohan stresses the importance of staffing.

“I’ve seen too many offices where there is no discipline or any clear demarcations of who does what job,” he says. “Before you know it, the receptionist is doing intake. Finding the right people for the right position is critical.

“As horrible as COVID was it did open the door to the concept of remote employees,” Kohan adds. “This allows us to draw from a much broader pool of talent, the whole globe is open to you. We staff from around the world and these people are very accommodating, inexpensive, happy to have the job, and will do their best for the success of the company.”  

Kohan explains that they recruit from eight different countries, then they screen and have a U.S.-based training program for every law firm position.

It's not magic. It's just solid strategies and the implementation of powerful technology."

“It’s our own customized curriculum so that each new hire can smoothly fit in with the law firm culture and needs,” he says.

A business that began with Kohan simply helping a friend struggling with his law firm, has realized phenomenal growth over the short four years since inception. Recognized by DesignRush as one of the top legal marketing companies in Los Angeles in 2021, the numbers tell the story of the rapid and profound success of Legal Soft.

Currently working with more than 1,000 law firms nationwide, Kohan has also established offices in eight countries, employing more than 150 professionals. Additionally, the company has more than 1,000 virtual staff members operating in more than 500 law firms including intake specialists, case managers, paralegals, as well as professionals specializing in practice management and strategic growth. The solid and proven track record of the company has evolved into strong partnerships with FileVine, Clio, Casepeer, 4Legal Leads and others.

In addition, Kohan recently debuted his industry book, “How to Scale Your Stupid Law Firm” a comprehensive guide to applying his business principles. This cleverly written, step-by-step handbook was released last September, but already has a perfect, 100% five-star rating on Amazon.

So where did this “Master of Legal Business” come from? Beginning in childhood, there were indications that Kohan was special. Certainly, earning his bachelor’s degree in engineering at age 17 was a significant forecast of things to come. But a high IQ is only one small aspect of this brilliant, logical and creative man who lives life with passion.

Not surprisingly, Silicon Valley was quick to snap up this young prodigy, who was barely old enough to legally drive a car. Yet, even amidst the best and the brightest of the so-called “techies” Kohan stood apart. For most people this would have been enough, a dream job in an exciting, emerging industry earning an impressive income when most young men his age were worrying about SATs. However, as immersed as he was in his work, Kohan continued his education earning his MBA in business marketing at the ripe old age of 21.

For the next two decades, Kohan played an integral role in the success of several of the top names in the tech world such as Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi and Compaq. While serving as the senior manager of product development at Grid Systems, Kohan was part of the pioneering team creating the very first laptop computer. But there were more conquests on the horizon.


But a high IQ is only one small aspect of this brilliant, logical and creative man ...

Over the years, Kohan further refined his business development and management skills working alongside cutting-edge entrepreneurs like Eric Schmidt (Google CEO) and Carol Bartz (Yahoo CEO), and in 1999 stepping in as division president of Emblazed Technology (Webradio). Within 12 months, he grew this publicly traded company by 300% and increased its valuation to $1 billion.

An entrepreneur at heart, in 2004, Kohan decided to apply his knowledge to his own venture, co-founding CAPLUCK Inc. a leading provider of data management system. Its success allowed him to fulfill another dream, to give back, and CAPLUCK Inc. is the largest provider of services to not-for-profit organizations in the United States.

Excited about new ideas, new technologies and new challenges, in early 2016, Kohan applied his expertise to the legal world founding Legal Soft Inc., and as they say, the rest is history. Kohan is still quick to acknowledge those who contributed to his success.

“I worked for a lot of great people, a lot of great talents,” he says. “But one thing I always did was pay attention. I didn’t just take an order or direction, but paid attention as to the why or where of the goal. I was always very observant and had an open mind.”

Legal Soft Inc.

21731 Ventura Blvd. Suite 100
Woodland Hills, CA 91364