7 Tips for Lawyers Seeking Help for Anxiety, Depression or Substance Abuse (Without Affecting Their Career)

lawyers seeking help
2024 Feature Nominations

A little know secret in the legal community is the mental health crisis that lawyers have been dealing with over the past few years. The fact of the matter is that many lawyers face various mental health issues on a regular basis and many of them are afraid and do not know where to turn for help.

To make things even worse, some lawyers are afraid to ask for help because it could damage their reputation and create a mental health stigma among their peers and clients. As a result, here are 7 suggestions on how lawyers can seek help for their mental health issues without these issues interfering with their career and reputation.


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No. 1: Accept That You Have A Problem

The first step any lawyer needs to do is to accept they have a mental health problem. Making excuses or ignoring your mental health issues is a mistake that will not only ruin your career but can ruin your entire life. Make the smart choice and admit that you need help.

No. 2: Use The Services Of A Professional

Talk to a mental health professional who can help you manage your depression and mental health issues.  A mental health counselor will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. Most importantly, listen to what the professionals have to say and follow their advice so you can get your life back on track.

No. 3: You Are Not Alone, Join A Support Group

There are countless number of mental health support groups all over the country. Many business professionals (just like you) go to these groups to get help. Go to a support group in your area and meet people who are also struggling with the same issues you are currently dealing with. By going to these groups, you will realize that you are not alone and that there are people who can relate to your situation and are willing to help you out.



No. 4: Communicate Your Situation To Your Peers

You have a choice on who you want to talk to about your mental health issues. Your best bet is to keep things confidential while you focus on getting your life back on track. In terms of your job, explain your situation to your supervisors. Be willing to answer their questions so they understand where you are coming from.

No. 5: Do Not Try To Get Everyone’s Approval

Most employers will be understanding with your situation, however there maybe some people who will cause some friction. The fact of the matter is that you can’t please everybody in life regardless how much you try. The key is to do what is best for you and for your family.

No. 6: It Is About Your Life

Many lawyers have a lot of time and hard work invested in their current company. As a result, many lawyers will sacrifice their mental health issues for the sake of protecting their investments and their reputation with their employer and peers. Your mental health issues will not go away by themselves. Your life is more important than your career. Jobs come and go, but your physical and mental health is a constant. Make the smart choices and do what is best for you in the long run.

No. 7: Learn The Mistakes From Others

If you still feel that your career is more important than your mental health, then follow the lessons from other lawyers who neglected their health. There are countless number of people who ignored their mental health issues for various reasons and either committed suicide or they ended up losing everything. Do not make the same mistake.

If you are unsure on how to deal with your mental health issues and your career, talk to a professional mental health counselor or your primary care physician for advice. These experts will be able to help you make the right decisions and steer you in the right direction.

Stan Popovich

Stan Popovich is the author of the popular managing fear book, “A Layman’s Guide To Managing Fear”. For more information about Stan’s book and to get some free mental health advice, please visit Stan’s website at www.managingfear.com

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