Family Law

Social Media in Family Court

The Impact of Social Media in Family Court: Navigating Custody Cases in California

As a seasoned family law practitioner in the heart of California’s bustling courtrooms, I have had a front-row seat to the profound effects of social media on custody cases—those intricate battles where the stakes are high, emotions run deep, and the well-being of children hangs in the balance. In this digital age, where our lives are intertwined with the virtual

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Rediscover Yourself Through Divorce Discovery

There are many things that you discover about yourself and your spouse during the divorce process. As you look back at your relationship, you may ask: Why did we get together? How did we get off track? Or where do we go from here? The legal discovery process goes beyond an emotional introspection to a practical one, with questions such

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Equitable Distribution law

Equitable and Equal are not Synonymous in Divorce

Equity, meaning something that is equitable, is a familiar term for most of us. Home equity, shareholder equity, and even sweat equity are terms that come up a lot in conversations when talking about investments. But what does “equitable” really mean? It is defined as dealing with issues fairly and impartially, but when it comes to equitable distribution in divorce,

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401(k) Divorce

The Impact of Divorce on Your Mortgage Liability in Hackensack, NJ

Facing a divorce near Hackensack, New Jersey? If so, then you probably have a lot of questions about the legal aspects of your divorce and which steps to take next. Things can get especially complicated when there is a shared mortgage involved, especially as it relates to who will stay in the home and who will be responsible for mortgage

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Navigating Same-Sex Divorce in Colorado

In any marriage, understanding the intricacies of divorce and navigating the law can be overwhelming and complex. When it comes to same-sex divorce in particular, the LGBTQ+ community is presented with additional complexities, as these laws are ever-changing. If you are in a same-sex marriage and contemplating divorce, naturally, questions and concerns arise. Here is what you need to know

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Divorce, Children With Special Needs, and the Pathway Through

During the past few years, there has been a significant increase in children diagnosed with “special needs.” Special needs is an umbrella term that includes children with specific learning disorders and cognitive impairment, chronic developmental disorders, physical disabilities, serious medical conditions, and severe psychiatric and behavioral disorders. In alignment with the U.S. divorce rate, family courts in Florida are experiencing

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Family Law Breakdown with Common Types

When to Seek Guidance from A Family Law Firm in New Albany, IN

If you’re having problems in your family, you may not be sure whether you need to consult a lawyer. That’s understandable. Most people in New Albany, IN – like people everywhere – would rather solve their family problems themselves when they can. But sometimes, it’s important to get the guidance of an experienced family lawyer. When in doubt, you should

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What if Your Spouse is Hiding Assets in Your Hackensack, NJ, Divorce?

The process of divorce is arduous, and the distribution of assets may be a significant cause of friction for the parties involved. In the city of Hackensack, New Jersey, it is the court’s responsibility to ensure that each spouse gets an appropriate portion of the marital assets throughout the divorce process. However, if one of the couples is dishonest about

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Why Economic Volatility Is Making Divorces More Challenging

As the housing market fluctuates and a recession looms, economic uncertainty is causing yet another unexpected side effect – more challenging divorces. When the economy is volatile, all the decisions and disputes in a divorce become more charged and present greater risk. Is it smart to keep the marital home at its current value? Does the settlement agreement address inflation

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Overview of Post-Divorce Modifications in Missouri

During the divorce process, they crafted settlement agreements to meet the needs of each party, depending on the stage of each party’s life when they split. The experience of life, however, never seems to remain the same. Children’s needs today differ from what was appropriate when they were younger. You can turn to a divorce attorney you can trust when

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Social Media in Family Court

The Impact of Social Media in Family Court: Navigating Custody Cases in California

As a seasoned family law practitioner in the heart of California’s bustling courtrooms, I have had a front-row seat to the profound effects of social media on custody cases—those intricate battles where the stakes are high, emotions run deep, and the well-being of children hangs in the balance. In this digital age, where our lives are intertwined with the virtual

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Rediscover Yourself Through Divorce Discovery

There are many things that you discover about yourself and your spouse during the divorce process. As you look back at your relationship, you may ask: Why did we get together? How did we get off track? Or where do we go from here? The legal discovery process goes beyond an emotional introspection to a practical one, with questions such

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Equitable Distribution law

Equitable and Equal are not Synonymous in Divorce

Equity, meaning something that is equitable, is a familiar term for most of us. Home equity, shareholder equity, and even sweat equity are terms that come up a lot in conversations when talking about investments. But what does “equitable” really mean? It is defined as dealing with issues fairly and impartially, but when it comes to equitable distribution in divorce,

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401(k) Divorce

The Impact of Divorce on Your Mortgage Liability in Hackensack, NJ

Facing a divorce near Hackensack, New Jersey? If so, then you probably have a lot of questions about the legal aspects of your divorce and which steps to take next. Things can get especially complicated when there is a shared mortgage involved, especially as it relates to who will stay in the home and who will be responsible for mortgage

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Navigating Same-Sex Divorce in Colorado

In any marriage, understanding the intricacies of divorce and navigating the law can be overwhelming and complex. When it comes to same-sex divorce in particular, the LGBTQ+ community is presented with additional complexities, as these laws are ever-changing. If you are in a same-sex marriage and contemplating divorce, naturally, questions and concerns arise. Here is what you need to know

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Divorce, Children With Special Needs, and the Pathway Through

During the past few years, there has been a significant increase in children diagnosed with “special needs.” Special needs is an umbrella term that includes children with specific learning disorders and cognitive impairment, chronic developmental disorders, physical disabilities, serious medical conditions, and severe psychiatric and behavioral disorders. In alignment with the U.S. divorce rate, family courts in Florida are experiencing

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Family Law Breakdown with Common Types

When to Seek Guidance from A Family Law Firm in New Albany, IN

If you’re having problems in your family, you may not be sure whether you need to consult a lawyer. That’s understandable. Most people in New Albany, IN – like people everywhere – would rather solve their family problems themselves when they can. But sometimes, it’s important to get the guidance of an experienced family lawyer. When in doubt, you should

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What if Your Spouse is Hiding Assets in Your Hackensack, NJ, Divorce?

The process of divorce is arduous, and the distribution of assets may be a significant cause of friction for the parties involved. In the city of Hackensack, New Jersey, it is the court’s responsibility to ensure that each spouse gets an appropriate portion of the marital assets throughout the divorce process. However, if one of the couples is dishonest about

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Why Economic Volatility Is Making Divorces More Challenging

As the housing market fluctuates and a recession looms, economic uncertainty is causing yet another unexpected side effect – more challenging divorces. When the economy is volatile, all the decisions and disputes in a divorce become more charged and present greater risk. Is it smart to keep the marital home at its current value? Does the settlement agreement address inflation

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Overview of Post-Divorce Modifications in Missouri

During the divorce process, they crafted settlement agreements to meet the needs of each party, depending on the stage of each party’s life when they split. The experience of life, however, never seems to remain the same. Children’s needs today differ from what was appropriate when they were younger. You can turn to a divorce attorney you can trust when

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