
patent pending

Don’t Run; Walk Slowly: What We’ve Learned From 27 Years of U.S. Provisional Patent Applications

Every experienced patent attorney has had a client who wanted – ASAP – to file a provisional patent application. Sometimes there is a good reason to quickly file a provisional application. Often, however, the desire for a rushed filing is based on an emotionally excited inventor who believes the invention will generate a pile of money. The real function of

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10 Things Business Owners Need to Know Before Hiring a Phoenix Patent Attorney

1. An Invention Must Be “NEW”. If you have an idea I’m sure you have looked on the internet, performed a Google search, checked Amazon, and tried to determine if anyone is selling your idea. If you’ve started selling the product yourself, then the idea is not considered “new,” but you have a deadline to file a patent application within

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patent infringement

Is All Patent Infringement Willful?

In June, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision that may fundamentally change the way damages are awarded in patent infringement lawsuits. In Halo Electronics, Inc. v. Pulse Electronics, Inc., 136 S. Ct. 1923, 1932 (2016), Chief Justice Roberts criticized a standard that allowed, “the ‘wanton and malicious pirate’ who intentionally infringes another’s patent” to avoid enhanced damages if

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patent pending

Don’t Run; Walk Slowly: What We’ve Learned From 27 Years of U.S. Provisional Patent Applications

Every experienced patent attorney has had a client who wanted – ASAP – to file a provisional patent application. Sometimes there is a good reason to quickly file a provisional application. Often, however, the desire for a rushed filing is based on an emotionally excited inventor who believes the invention will generate a pile of money. The real function of

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10 Things Business Owners Need to Know Before Hiring a Phoenix Patent Attorney

1. An Invention Must Be “NEW”. If you have an idea I’m sure you have looked on the internet, performed a Google search, checked Amazon, and tried to determine if anyone is selling your idea. If you’ve started selling the product yourself, then the idea is not considered “new,” but you have a deadline to file a patent application within

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patent infringement

Is All Patent Infringement Willful?

In June, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision that may fundamentally change the way damages are awarded in patent infringement lawsuits. In Halo Electronics, Inc. v. Pulse Electronics, Inc., 136 S. Ct. 1923, 1932 (2016), Chief Justice Roberts criticized a standard that allowed, “the ‘wanton and malicious pirate’ who intentionally infringes another’s patent” to avoid enhanced damages if

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