Bob Ledoux of ACC North Florida Chapter

Bob Ledoux
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Attorney at Law Magazine First Coast sat down with Bob Ledoux the new president of North Florida Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel (NFLACC) to discuss his plans for the organization under his leadership. Ledoux is senior vice president and general counsel for the Florida East Coast Railway.

Pictured: Bob Ledoux and ACC North Florida Chapter Executive Director Katharine B. Hartland


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AALM: As the new president, what are your goals for the association in the coming year?

Ledoux: I have three goals this year, grow our membership, provide great social and CLE experiences for our members and expand our giving back to the community.

AALM: What lessons have you learned from your predecessors?



Ledoux: The leadership in the past has been great, Mike Herman was a great motivator; Harvey Granger showed great compassion; and Monique Brown expanded our outreach program providing a great mentor experience for high school students.

AALM: Tell us about some upcoming events the association has planned for members.

Ledoux: We have several events for the rest of the year. The highlights are our well attended CLE on ethics this fall and our employment seminar combined with a Christmas party.

AALM: Tell us about any current or planned partnerships with other local associations. How will these partnerships benefit members?

Ledoux: The NFLACC is a member of both the JAX Chamber and the World Affairs Council. As a member our members get to participate in great events hosted by these two organizations.

AALM: What benefits are there to attorneys who become actively involved in the association?

Ledoux: There are several benefits for getting actively involved in the NFLACC, CLE credits, great social events, great networking and the opportunity to meet with legal industry leaders.

AALM: What advice do you have for a member looking to increase their involvement in the association? For a member hoping to join the leadership?

Ledoux: You reach out to any of the current board members. We are currently looking for new board and committee members.

AALM: What changes in the legal community does the leadership anticipate will affect the association and its members?

Ledoux: The diverse areas of the law make it a challenge to ensure we provide great CLE programming that is relevant for the most members. We have focused on large industry areas of law such has health care, banking, real estate and transportation. By focusing on these large areas and no specific laws, we are able to attract more members to events.

AALM: How would you describe the main goal of the association in your own words?

Ledoux: We are here to help provide education, networking, and public benefit to the in-house legal community.

Attorney at Law Magazine

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