Lauren Schultz: Finishing the Race

Lauren Schultz
Women in Law Special Issue

Becoming a divorce and custody attorney wasn’t exactly what Lauren Schultz had in mind when pursuing a career. In fact, she wanted to be a professional artist or archeologist. Schultz was always encouraged by her father to follow her sister into the law.

“I was always adamant that I would never become an attorney,” Schultz said. “However, I ended up majoring in political science in undergraduate school and that’s when I learned how much I enjoyed researching and debating legal issues. It was then that I made the decision to go to law school – my father could not have been more thrilled.”


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Staying close to home, friends and family, Schultz successfully completed law school. Before and after graduating, she turned to her sister, Kimberly Washburn, to learn the ropes by working at her office. She also credits her boss, Brian Arnold, for mentoring her and the opportunity to work alongside a great attorney.

“Most of the lawyers I work with and against are honest, fair and hard-working people that I am proud to call colleagues,” Schultz said.

Schultz truly loves her profession, especially getting to know her clients on a personal level. On the flipside, she stated that because she is young and female, she has experienced difficulty with some lawyers who act inappropriately toward her. She has no doubt that it will change once more young, women lawyers make their way into the field.


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“I know I work just as hard for my clients as any other attorney and have also gone up against some incredible female lawyers, so I am constantly working to help the public overcome this mentality that female lawyers aren’t as competent as male attorneys,” she said.

One of her most proud accomplishments in her career was winning sole physical custody for a client after a long, contentious divorce. The case lasted over two years, allowing Schultz to build a close relationship with her client. “To be able to walk away successful after so much work and time was a great accomplishment for me and my client,” she said.

There’s never a dull day for Schultz. According to the attorney, most of her cases are exciting, intense and riddled with scandal – emphasis on the scandal part.

Volunteering at legal clinics, as well as representing pro se parties at child support order to show cause hearings are all part of Schultz’s pro bono work. She also works hard to save her clients time and money.

“My firm has an amazing group of receptionists and paralegals who provide assistance on cases,” Schultz explained. “Their help saves me time and therefore, saves my clients money. In my own practice, I always discuss cost-risks with clients before beginning any course of action, as well as avoid filing unnecessary motions, discovery requests or push cases to trial when they should settle.”

One thing Schultz wants others to take away from her profile is her steady drive to succeed. A great example of this is a century ride she completed with her husband, despite not being a trained cyclist.

“I felt like giving up so many times, but I didn’t. I am proud that I finished,” she said.

Elizabeth Morse

Elizabeth Morse is a former assistant editor with Attorney at Law Magazine. As a part of her role, she specialized in interviewing and profiling attorneys and law firms.

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