Brett Von Borke

Brett Von Borke
Women in Law Special Issue

Miami Attorney Brett E. von Borke began his career at Hughes Hubbard & Reed. After honing his class action and multidistrict litigation skills there, he joined Kozyak Tropin and Throckmorton where he worked for several years. Today, von Borke is an accomplished trial lawyer with Grossman Roth, focusing his practice on complex business litigation, class actions, and personal injury in federal and state courts throughout the country. His representations frequently involve both individuals and corporations in product liability, antitrust, consumer and securities fraud, fiduciary duty, wrongful death, medical malpractice, and personal injury claims.

“The most rewarding part of my job is serving my clients,” von Borke said. “More often than not, my clients are individuals and families that have suffered some type of catastrophic injury or loss of a loved one. Helping my clients with those issues in their time of need is the best part of my job.

“The most challenging part of my practice is staying abreast of the ever evolving status of class action law,” he said. “Several decisions handed down by the United States Supreme Court over the past three years have made it more difficult for plaintiffs to bring their class action cases in court. As a result of those decisions, we are constantly engaging in novel approaches to help our clients achieve results both in and outside of the courtroom.”

Von Borke has been repeatedly recognized by his peers as one of Florida’s premier lawyers. In 2010 and 2011 he was named by Florida Super Lawyers Magazine as a Rising Star – an honor bestowed upon the top 2 percent of Florida attorneys as voted by their peers. In 2011, at the age of 30, The Daily Business Review nominated him as a finalist for its Most Effective Class Action Lawyers Award for his work as class counsel in Hester v. Vision Airlines, Inc. There, he represented a class comprised of airline pilots and flight attendants that flew into and out of the war zones in Baghdad, Iraq and Kabul, Afghanistan. A jury awarded them more than $5 million in hazard pay that it determined their employer had illegally withheld. In 2012, the National Trial Lawyers Association recognized von Borke as one of the top 40 National Trial Lawyers Under 40.

“Working at Grossman Roth, with its tremendous resources and excellent lawyers, allows me to offer my clients a level of service unparalleled at other law firms,” he said. “Because of the firm’s reputation, we have the opportunity to work on cuttingedge class action, multidistrict litigation and high-profile complex commercial cases. Working on these types of cases and with the lawyers at Grossman Roth allows me the opportunity to do both trial and appellate work, which is incredibly exciting and rare among plaintiffs’ law firms.”

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