Tammy B. Saltzman

Tammy B. Saltzman
Personal Injury Special Issue

“It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation and 60 seconds to destroy it,” said Boca Raton family law and real estate attorney Tammy B. Saltzman. “Integrity is your best attribute.”

In looking over her career, you can see that Saltzman has put this mantra into practice. As the current chair of the mentorship committee for the South Palm Beach County Bar, this attorney hopes to pass down the lessons she’s learned to those entering the field.

It was after 13 years in the sales and marketing business and a very successful career in the garment center in Manhattan that Saltzman knew she was ready for more.

“I was always a great salesperson – something I learned from my father,” she said. And while she still uses those skills to this day it is in a far different capacity.

Relocating to Florida, she enrolled in school and worked toward her Juris Doctor. With the help of mentors like Richard Gordon who taught her that there’s more to law than working 80 hours in a large firm, she graduated in 1999 with the Outstanding Woman of the Year award under her belt. “I was nominated by my professors,” she said. “I was so honored to receive the acknowledgement.”

“Family law was a natural fit for me,” she said. Having experienced divorce as a child – when divorce wasn’t as common as it is today – Saltzman knows firsthand about blending families. She is also a certified family mediator.

“The real estate transactional side of my practice is something I learned while working for an estate planning attorney. My practice is all about new beginnings. In real estate, new beginnings are always happening. In family law, I see clients starting a new marriage or starting a new life on their own following their divorce.”

She quickly learned that not every legal experience would be positive. While working for a local divorce attorney her first year out of law school, Saltzman requested she be removed from a case. Following the consultation with the client, she had a gut feeling and knew she wouldn’t be comfortable working with him. The attorney reminded her that as an associate she was required to work on the cases he assigned to her.

“I was forced to continue with this client,” she said. “He was later arrested and sent to jail for putting on a ski mask and beating his former spouse almost to death with a baseball bat. That case taught me to trust my instincts.”

Now as a solo practitioner for more than 15 years, Saltzman is pleased to say she is able to select who she works with. “I have learned that you cannot save everyone,” she said.

Committed to saving couples time, money and emotional turmoil, Saltzman hopes her practice will continue to evolve toward collaborative divorce. “A good day is when I get a sincere thank you and even a hug from one of my clients,” she said.

Looking to the next year, Saltzman is excited to publically launch the mentorship committee. Look for the first formal event next spring. She is also planning the one year anniversary party for her show, “Divorce Connection Network” in April. “I am looking forward to having all my guests from the past year help me celebrate the launch of a great show.” Her show can be found at www.divorceconnectionnetwork.com.

Katherine Bishop

Katherine Bishop is a staff writer for Attorney at Law Magazine. She has been a writer with the publication for more than four years. She also writes for Real Estate Agent Magazine.

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