Goldberg & Rosen: The Firm of the Future

Goldberg & Rosen
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“Our adrenaline was pumping, and our hands sweating. After weeks of trial prep and years of scorched-earth litigation, we finally reached the end of the road. The fate of Brown v. Soto was exactly where we wanted it – in the hands of ‘our’ jury. When the clerk published the result – a $10.6 million verdict – the courtroom erupted in cheers. Tears of vindication fell from our clients’ eyes. Justice had been served,” says Goldberg & Rosen Managing Partner Judd Rosen, reflecting on the firm’s most recent verdict.

The firm of the future has arrived. Hard work, innovative strategy, and a desire to take every case to trial has insurance companies and negligent corporations respecting the powerhouse attorneys of Goldberg & Rosen. Lead by the prominent brother duo of Judd and Brett Rosen, Goldberg & Rosen has secured a place at the top of the food chain for trial law firms.

The myth that there are two sides to every story has been obliterated. There is only one story; it’s called the truth, and the jury will hear it from us.”

“We fear no one. We have the resources, energy, and heart to fight for our clients. The myth that there are two sides to every story has been obliterated. There is only one story; it’s called the truth, and the jury will hear it from us,” says Brett Rosen.

These lessons were handed down by the firm’s founder, Glen Goldberg. “We are very grateful for our uncle. He believed in us, created a vision for the firm’s future, and is still always ready to share his wealth of knowledge and experience,” Judd Rosen says.

“I started practicing law before many of the current lawyers and judges were born,” says Glen Goldberg. “A lot has changed in the last 50 years, but one thing remains constant; your reputation is everything. Professionalism and integrity are what this firm is all about. And of course, winning cases for our clients.”


The growth of Goldberg & Rosen is rooted in the lasting relationships the firm has built with its clients and referral attorneys over the past four decades. “It’s not the size of the result, but the value of the relationship that matters. Our clients truly appreciate the time we spend getting to know their needs, desires, and goals,” Brett Rosen says.

Goldberg & Rosen recently represented an Indonesian crew member that suffered a back injury as a result of poor working conditions. The Plaintiff was also denied medical care that he desperately needed. The firm brought the crew member to the United States for life saving back surgery. During his recovery, the Plaintiff shared Thanksgiving dinner with the Rosen Family at their home in Miami. When the case resolved, Judd journeyed to the crew member’s village in Indonesia where a prayer ceremony was held at a temple that the Plaintiff built with the settlement funds.

“Our clients are not just a number. They are people we truly care about. We know that their lives are at stake and we are blessed to have an opportunity to make a real difference,” says Brett Rosen. The firm cares most about the relationships with its clients, which don’t end when the case is over. By treating their clients as family, the firm has won verdicts that literally changed the legal landscape.

For example, in the record-breaking case of Kirkpatrick v. Cypress, the firm took on the high-profile wrongful death DUI case for the Kirkpatrick family against the brother of former Miccosukee Tribe leader Billy Cypress.

“Mr. Kirkpatrick lived a humble life as a public school teacher, just like my parents. During his Civil War lectures, Mr. Kirkpatrick would dress as a soldier and pretend he was in a battle,” says Brett Rosen. “In my opening statement I decided to reenact his history lesson and engage the jury so they could visualize the unique life that was senselessly taken.”

That authentic opening, coupled with gut-wrenching closing by brother Judd Rosen, resulted in an unprecedented $35 million verdict for the family. It was the largest damages award for surviving adult children, and it earned Judd and Brett Rosen honors as the Most Effective Lawyers in South Florida by The Daily Business Review.

Insurance companies can’t prepare for trial strategies that no one has ever seen. For example, Judd Rosen played an entire music video from the reggae artist Shift a to introduce Shift a as a star witness in the Rasheed Ali v. UPS jury trial. Rosen’s client, a former University of Miami football player, sued UPS for damages in a car accident. “I looked over and saw the jurors dancing to the music and I knew they would relate to the witness,” Rosen says. The jury returned with a $5 million verdict in a low impact herniated disc case. The firm collected every penny of the judgment for its client.


“Our uncle Glen gave us a foot in the door. When we were teenagers, he offered us jobs moving boxes. Eventually we hustled our way up to become file room clerks and then legal assistants. We worked full time during law school and after several years we became managing partners of the firm. He gave us a golden opportunity to build a career and we strive to do the same for others. Every member of our firm – from the receptionist to the lawyers – is passionate about the practice of law, and we’ve built a team we can trust to win any case.” Says Judd Rosen.

He gave us a golden opportunity to build a career and we strive to do the same for others.”

It is no surprise that many members of Goldberg & Rosen’s legal roster have been with the Firm for over 20 years. Partner, Zachary Bodenheimer, started his legal career as a law clerk with the firm. After law school he prosecuted cases at the State Attorney’s Office before finding his way home to Goldberg & Rosen. “To me, being a trial lawyer means you have to actually try cases. Th at is what we love to do,” says Zach.


As the law evolves so do the legal strategies of Goldberg & Rosen. Recently, Jocelyn Santana, the firms first Hispanic female partner, won an order entitling her client to punitive damages after she exposed the Defendant texting while driving. “I can only hope that hitting defendants with punitive damages for texting and driving will one day make our streets safer,” says Jocelyn.

The emergence of new technology has created an uncharted frontier for trial attorneys. Leading the charge, Goldberg & Rosen filed the first lawsuit against Uber in Miami-Dade County, and is currently prosecuting claims against other technology- based tortfeasors such as Lyft, Toro, and boat ride sharing companies.


Goldberg & Rosen prides itself on contributing to the local community. For example, one of the firm’s employees was recruited through the Best Buddies organizations. Judd Rosen says, “She’s our file room assistant. She shows up every day with a contagious smile and knows exactly where every file is. We are blessed to be in a position to provide opportunities for others to shine.”

“Judd and I were raised by amazing parents who were public school teachers. It’s in our blood to take an educational approach to the practice of law,” says Brett Rosen. The Rosen Brothers regularly speak at continuing education seminars. Recently, Judd was one of a handful of trial attorneys featured for a crowd of over one thousand lawyers in the Superstar Trial Lawyer event – a mock trial that placed top trial lawyers from Dade County against trial lawyers from Broward and Palm Beach Counties.

Goldberg & Rosen is also active in organizations like Smiles for Samantha, a fundraiser created in memory of former client Samantha Trebbi; the Woody Foundation; Reach for the Stars Foundation, a scholarship charity in memory of Alan Epstein; and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Judd Rosen is a board member of the Miami Waterkeeper, a non-profit dedicated to environmental protection of South Florida’s coastline; and a former board member and Red Jacket Society member of City Year, a national organization dedicated to providing mentoring to children in public schools.

“Giving back is extremely important to us. Our blessings are only possible with the help of others. In turn we always to pay it forward,” says Brett Rosen.

Don Simmons

Don Simmons is a feature writer with Attorney at Law Magazine.

Comments 1

  1. Earline Black says:

    Mr Goldberg, I’m a client of your firm and I’m being mistreated by one of your lawyers, my case is being pushed around like I or my pain doesn’t matter, I came to your firm because my brother used you for years and then my husband, they all got good results and I’m being pushed around by one of your lawyers which is not LEGAL, tell me what can I do because I know that most of the things she’s doing is illegal

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