Laurie Dubow : Finding Passion Through the Right Real Estate Moves

Laurie Dubow
Women in Law Special Issue

Laurie Dubow got her real estate license as a dare from a group of friends, never intending a new career. Like many, she thought she could do real estate part time to earn some extra money, and that she would continue in the psychology practice that she enjoyed for over 20 years. But after selling a house the day after she got her license, Dubow was inspired with an unexpected passion. She immediately closed-down her previous practice, jumped into real estate with both feet, and has spent the last 15 years building an impressive real estate career. Often asked how she could have transitioned from a “helping profession” to real estate, Dubow firmly believes that through her new path, she has made a far greater impact on the lives of her clients, her colleagues, and her community.

Throughout her 38-plus year career, Dubow has been influencing the way others think about their paradigm of how business is done. She tells me that even as a child, she was fascinated with the creative process, always finding ways to express her individuality. Beginning her career by helping the State of New Jersey redevelop their program to train mental health counselors to work with MICA patients (Mentally ill Chemical Abusers), she also founded and ran a substance abuse therapy and counselor certification program. Moving to Boca Raton in 1992, Dubow continued her path, and opened an innovative counseling center. Although she enjoyed many aspects of her previous endeavors, she believes that she found her true calling the day she passed her real estate exam. She explains, “with a background in psychology, business, commercial and residential real estate, and the mortgage industry, I am uniquely positioned today to help my clients as well as other professionals make informed decisions about the best ways to move forward with all types issues related to housing choices.”

It is clear that Dubow has made an impact on her industry and her community. She has earned many designations and awards, participating on several boards and committees. Most recently, she is looking forward to her role as the co-chair of the real estate section of the Downtown Business Alliance. Very influential in the field of divorce, Dubow is a founding member and director of the Boca Chapter of the National Association of Divorce Professionals. On a community level, Dubow has championed many causes, as an active volunteer and fundraiser.

Addressing what she most enjoys about educating lawyers and other professionals when it comes to real estate, she explains that “the area that most often leads to errors in judgment with regards to real estate occurs when clients make choices based on emotions rather than a comprehensive plan. It is important for us to help them make decisions about their housing based upon a combination of emotional, psychological and financial considerations. Because of my background, I am uniquely positioned to help professionals work with their clients to help them sort through the issues so that they get the best outcomes.”

When asked what she is most proud of throughout her extensive career, Dubow did not hesitate. She answered, “I am most proud of the team that I have assembled at Signature Paradise Realty. We have created something very special at “Paradise.” We are a true team of professionals, dedicated to helping each other and our clients achieve their goals. My Realtors have integrity and compassion, focused on doing what is right for their clients, and putting the needs of the client above their desire to make the highest commission. I enjoy every minute that I spend training, coaching and mentoring them, helping them to shorten their learning curve so that they can be inspired to be the very best of what our profession has to offer.” That is just one of the reasons that Signature Paradise Realty was voted Best of Boca in 2018.


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Building her career through networking and developing positive relationships, she states that “as a real estate concierge, clients and professionals trust me to put together a team that will work together to bring about the most positive results. I admit, my standards for myself and others is very high, and sometimes it is hard to find balance between work and my personal life, but I love working with colleagues as a team and finding mutual respect and true collaboration.”

Spending time with Laurie Dubow, her passion is clear. Through helping others achieve their goals, Dubow has found her home in “Paradise.”

Katherine Bishop

Katherine Bishop is a staff writer for Attorney at Law Magazine. She has been a writer with the publication for more than four years. She also writes for Real Estate Agent Magazine.

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