Mike Miranda with Mj Investigations

Private Investigator MJ Investigations
Women in Law Special Issue

Mike Miranda is the owner of Mj Investigations which is based out of the Colorado Springs, Colorado area. The company has been open for business for ten years. Currently, Mj Investigations provides services in Private Investigation and Traffic Accident Investigation and Reconstruction. They also provide training and seminars for private investigators and attorneys. Mike has completed accident investigations and testified as an expert in Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, and Texas. Most recently Mj Investigations opened an office in Maine.

Mike studied Chemistry at the University of Southern Colorado in Pueblo before being recruited by the Colorado State Patrol (CSP). His career includes over 28 years with CSP with his main focus in Accident Investigation and Reconstruction. Mike was a founding member and active in the formation of the CSP Accident Reconstruction Team (ART), now called the Vehicular Crimes Unit (VCU). He also worked as a criminal investigator for the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s office and as the Lead Investigator for the Vehicular Homicide Response Team. Mike is currently a member of the Society of Accident Reconstructionist (SOAR), the National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialist (NAPARS), and the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR).


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Accredited through ACTAR since 2000, Mike explains it is an international association with members in the United States, Canada, Australia and four-other countries. According to Mike, to become accredited with ACTAR, an individual’s training and experience is reviewed, and they must pass a rigorous test on aspects of accident investigations. The test is comprised of four hours on theory including Kinetic Energy, Conservation of Momentum, Time-Distance Evaluations, Physical Evidence from the road and vehicle, Photography, Lamp Analysis, and Airborne Analysis. The other four hours is a practical which the person needs to reconstruct an accident with provided information in a packet. Once Accredited the person must complete 80 continuing education credits (CEUs) or re-take a test every five years.

Having published several books and many nationally published articles regarding Accident Investigations and Reconstruction, Mike’s most current book is titled Accident Investigations for Private Investigators and Attorneys, which is now in its second edition. Accident Investigations for Private Investigators and Attorneys (2nd ed.) has topics focusing on: police errors and omissions, discovery, measuring and diagramming, evidence from the roadway, technology in accident investigations, vehicle damage assessment, on-scene photography, injury analysis, contributing factors, driver and witness statements and interviews, and an introduction on speed formula. Accident Investigations for Private Investigators and Attorneys (2nd ed.) is $24.95.

What is unique about Mj Investigations is they review traffic accident cases for free and charge a flat fee after determining what services can help the case. Additional services include, but are not limited to social media investigations, person of interest locates, criminal and background investigations.


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Mj Investigations goal is to respond quickly and accurately to a client’s needs. They also strive to write reports in layman terms to make sure this complex topic is easy to understand. As they have completed over 4,000 accident investigations they offer a unique understanding of the human element and police procedures, as well as, documents that are normally completed by police within an accident investigation. This could provide Attorneys with more information about the accident that they previously were not provided with the initial discovery. Ashley Jetta Garcia

Ashley Jetta Garcia

Ashley Jetta Garcia is the owner and operator of AJG Private Investigative Firm LLC. Ashley is a proud Colorado native. She has had experience in the legal and security industries since 2007. Ashley is a double alumni of Regis University with three degrees – a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and business administration and a Master of Science in criminology. She is currently obtaining a Ph.D. in forensic psychology from Walden University. To contact Ashley or for more information, call (303) 648-1378, email [email protected] or visit www.ajgpifirm.com.

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