Unlocking the Potential of AI Tools in Legal Practice: Chatbots, GPT-4, and Beyond

Welcome to the world of artificial intelligence (AI) in legal practice! Have you ever heard of AI tools? They’re like robots that can perform some of the routine tasks lawyers usually do. We will explore how tools like chatbots and GPT-4 are helping lawyers like you work smarter and faster. You will discover why they are so important and how they make the legal industry even more efficient.


First, let us look at chatbots. When powered by AI, these are like super-smart assistants. You can use AI on your website to understand your prospective client’s needs and answer their questions quickly and accurately. This has become even more useful with the release of GPT-4, which can pass the Uniform Bar Exam in the top 10th percentile. Another benefit of a chatbot is that it works 24/7, so your potential clients can get some form of assistance even when a lawyer is unavailable.


With the release of GPT-4, the AI model has become even more capable since it now understands the law to the degree that lets it pass a Uniform Bar Exam in the top 10th percentile. 

Answering Legal Banner


To get the most out of ChatGPT, you need to be able to talk to it, and you do that via prompts. We will not get too deep into this, but we wanted to give you a few examples you can try out. These can get your brain thinking about other things you can leverage it for:

  • Legal Research: What is the standard for (insert legal issue) in (insert jurisdiction)? Outline the steps in (insert legal procedure or process).
  • Drafting Documents: Draft a (insert legal document type) for (insert scenario). Draft a purchase agreement for (insert item or property description). Draft a contract for (insert contract type).
  • Other Examples: What is the meaning of (insert legal term)? What is the (insert citation style) citation for (insert legal case)? What risks are associated with (insert legal issue)?

AI Tools & Platforms

AI tools can help you create legal documents quickly and easily. They use AI technology to analyze information and generate documents based on templates, saving you a ton of time and effort. Plus, they can reduce errors and make sure all documents are consistent and accurate.

Westlaw Edge

Westlaw Edge is a tool that helps you research legal cases more effectively. It uses advanced technology to analyze information from courts nationwide and can predict outcomes and identify trends. It also enables you to stay up-to-date on new laws that could affect your cases. The tool is making legal services better and more accurate.


LexCheck is an AI tool that helps you review and negotiate contracts. It uses machine learning to review contracts automatically and can mark up and suggest changes just like a human lawyer would. This can save time and money for your law firm and reduce the risk of compliance issues. The software is customizable to your law firm’s needs and can review contracts in under three minutes.


Kira is a machine learning software that can accurately and efficiently identify, extract and analyze content in contracts and documents. This software lets you quickly find and use trusted information from your contracts and documents.

Benefits of AI Tools in Your Legal Practice

Let’s examine the benefits of using AI tools in your legal practice.

Increased Efficiency. One of the most significant benefits is increased efficiency. AI tools can help you work faster and get more done in less time. This means you can focus on more critical tasks, like helping your clients or preparing for court.

Increased Accuracy. Another benefit is increased accuracy. AI tools are incredibly precise and can analyze large amounts of information quickly and accurately. This can help you avoid mistakes and make better decisions.

Time & Money Savings. AI tools can also save lawyers time and money. By automating routine tasks like document drafting or legal research, these tools can help you get more done in less time. This means you can take on more clients and increase your revenue. Plus, you can reduce costs by avoiding mistakes and reducing the need for manual labor. AI tools are a game-changer for legal practice, making it easier, faster, and more efficient for you and your clients.

Concerns With AI

While these tools can be handy, they come with some concerns you need to consider before using them. The two main concerns are ethical and legal.

Ethical Concerns

Since it is built off a database of information and is piecing information together, it cannot apply ethics to what it produces. This means it may not always make an ethical decision. AI does not have a human bias or emotion in general, so it lacks a big piece of the puzzle. This can produce a result that can be unfair or discriminatory, though, with GPT-4, they have taken many steps to make it harder for it to have a bias toward a certain group or provide biased data.

Legal Concerns

The legal concern is similar in that it may not fully understand every legal requirement of a contract, for example, and could miss important legal clauses. This is why it will not replace an expert. You still need someone with the knowledge to thoroughly review anything it produces, and check it for plagiarism.

In conclusion, AI tools are changing the legal industry for the better. These tools, such as chatbots, GPT-4, and platforms like Westlaw Edge, LexCheck, and Kira, are helping lawyers work smarter, faster, and more accurately. They are making legal services more efficient, saving time and money.

With AI tools, you can focus on more important tasks, such as helping your clients and preparing for court. However, as with any new technology, there are concerns to consider. Ethical and legal concerns should be considered before and while using these tools. While AI may not always make ethical decisions or fully understand every legal requirement, these tools are still valuable resources for lawyers. Overall, AI tools have unlocked the potential of the legal industry, paving the way for a faster, more efficient, and more accurate practice of law.

Grant Brott

Grant Brott, Director of ROI Strategy, orchestrates digital marketing strategies for law firm clients, uniting all departments to ensure success. Based in Rohnert Park, California, Grant holds an Associate's Degree in Business Administration, certifications in Digital Marketing, HTML Web Development, and Small Business Management, and is a military veteran. He values execution, team leadership, and the culture of his company, Consultwebs. Outside of work, Grant enjoys spending time with his son, engaging in activities like Legos, Nerf wars, video games, Marvel movies, and card collecting.

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