5 Top Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Texas

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Anytime a healthcare professional or institute is responsible for the injury or death of an individual during any part of the entire process of medical treatment can constitute for a malpractice suit. In Texas, a suit must be filed within two years after the completion of medical treatment or hospitalization. According to the American Medical Association, more than 34% of American doctors have been sued.

If you or a family member has been the victim of medical negligence, you need to have a fuller understanding of Texas laws concerning malpractice suits.


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Here, we’ll give you 5 of the best medical malpractice lawyers  in Texas.

1. Tommy Hastings

Based in Houston, Hastings, one of many of the best medical malpractice lawyers in Houston, TX, is a member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, Houston Trial Lawyers Association, Houston Bar Association, among other organizations. He is also a member of the Million Dollar Advocates and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates, an extremely prestigious group of trial lawyers whose membership is based on attorneys who have won multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements.

2. Kathryn Snapka

Kathryn practice law in Corpus Christi, Texas and is an accomplished personal injury lawyer with decades of experience, beginning her legal practice in 1981. She was selected to Super Lawyers in 2003, and every year up till 2019. She has been head counsel in landmark cases which have resulted in large financial recoveries for her clients.


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3. Joe Stephens

Establishing his practice in 1985, Joe heads his law firm in downtown Houston. He specializes in injury and accident law. His practice is personalized giving each case his undivided attention and time. He has never had a grievance filed against him and prides himself in the personal relationship he is able to build up with his clients.

4. Bill Liebbe

With over 30 years of courthouse experience under his belt, Liebbe has helped numerous Texans and their families who have suffered critical or permanent injuries due to malpractice. He has been board certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization since 1987. He is also recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer, a Thomson Reuters Service, printed in Texas Monthly Magazine. His law firm practice is situated in Tyler, Texas.

5. Gabe Sassin

An Austin, Texas, personal injury lawyer, Gabriel “Gabe” Sassin, has been specializing in medical malpractice litigation since 2007. Gabe’s early career was spent defending healthcare professionals, including doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies, from malpractice lawsuits. In 2020, Gabe switched sides and began representing plaintiffs in medical claims. Over his career, Mr. Sassin has gained a unique experience in defending and pursuing hundreds of medical injury claims. With his earned insight into how these claims are defended, Mr. Sassin is able to offer his clients unmatched representation against even the largest of healthcare companies.

Don’t Forfeit your Rights

You are entitled to and deserve proper medical care during your lifetime. Medical malpractice has ruined the lives of thousands of people and their families. With exceptional attorney representation specializing in these types of suits, they can help bring back some form of normality into your life.

Katherine Bishop

Katherine Bishop is a staff writer for Attorney at Law Magazine. She has been a writer with the publication for more than four years. She also writes for Real Estate Agent Magazine.

Comments 13

  1. Albert Hill says:

    I went to the emergency room on November 13 IPlainview Texas I was sent home that very same day the next day November 14 I had to go back to the hospital I had to have emergency surgery on my colon l was in the hospital for 9 more days I was misdiagnosed I was given a cat scan my guts were in a very bad way all scambal up very badly I was told I had a balder infection I am looking for a malpractice lawyer to help me with this

  2. Gail Abrams says:

    It seems like there isn’t one good hospital in this state. My husband was told there was nothing wrong with him by the hospital even after being sent by ambulance from Urgent Care on September 21, 2024. I found him deceased in our bed Monday, September 23, 2024 deceased in our bed. The hospital failed miserably!

  3. Jeanette Welborn says:

    Hello my husband went through several tests due to his condition. His doctor recommended this and that. At the start of this complaint..he was 5’11 and 200lbs. Continue to ask could it be cancer? two years later he was dead. Trust me we have a case! I

  4. Virginia says:

    Went to ER. They manipulated my stats. I have pix of the stats, and paperwork to show the manipulated numbers. They are doing an “in-house” investigation.
    My blood pressure was 220/120s…they put 130/70s. They kept using the machine it would throw error bc my bp was too high. It kept trying to take bp. I asked for manual cuff multiple times, told no. I have pix of machine with stats and video of bruises left 2 days later from the machine on both arms.

  5. Julie salas says:

    I highly recommend Tommy hastings he will fight for you.

  6. James Allen says:

    I have had reverse shoulder replacement on my right shoulder five times .One in 2022, three 2023, one in 2024. I have had two infections one sepsis one not.My shoulder has come apart again but the surgeon is telling me there is no problem.He didn`t know that the x-ray tech gave me a copy of the x-ray. I am in a great amount of pain and he has lied to me .I don’t know what to do.

  7. Kenneth Brian Flores says:

    on 1/25/24 i was to have kidney stone’s broken but I was found to have an infection with puss in my kidneys so doctor Ronald Ford put in stents and gave me antibiotics to clear the infection , on 2/15/24 I went into BSA outpatient surgery and Doctor Ford cut up the stones without checking for infection , after going home I became very sick so on 2/16/24 my wife took me to the BSA hospital ER and I was admitted and was being given antibiotics. On 2/18/24 my heart arrested with what was called a small heart attack I was then stabilized and two hours later I had another heart attack this time a much larger one that stopped my heart and CPR was administered for fourteen minutes tell the equipment could be brought in to my room to maintain heart from the heart ICU floor. after the first heart attack I was not moved to a heart ICU, I was moved to another room on the same medical ward . After I was stabilized a doctor stated that if I lived for 24 hours that I would have a good chance to make it and commented to my family that it was mistake not to have moved me to the heart ICU . I was in a coma for two days . The heart doctor cath my heart and said my heart was in great condition and was not the reason for the heart . After seeing three heart doctors they all concluded that the infection is what caused my heart attack and know due to the heart attacks in stuck on medication due to the damage caused.

  8. Eric kiriazi says:

    I went to emergency huntsville memorial here in Texas cause I felt very light headed and throwing up. Doctor did take blood samples to see if there was anything in my blood to see if I needed a blood trans fusion! He said he saw nothing and gave me Nausea pills and sent me on my way! 2 weeks later my health declined and went to emergency room memorial Hermann and come to find out my hemoglobin was very very low that the doctor had two give me 2 pints of blood ! So my diagnosis from the first hospital was misdiagnosed which I was told I wouldn’t need a transfusion and the hospital at memorial Hermann said lucky I came in when I did! My question is do I have a case? I look forward to your response thank you.

  9. Leannah Stewart says:

    I am looking for a attorney to help with medical malpractice.. I am completely blind in my right eye and scaring completely covering the whole Cornia from an ulcer that formered bc my eye had a infection in it for over 3 months before I was given the right antibiotics or even seen by the ER doctor for follow up appts.. my life has completely changed…I’d like to speak to someone about my case if possible, thank you very much for your time

  10. Jeremy and Belynda says:

    My mom has been urinating blood since September. She has been going to minor emergency and also to the main hospital. All facility’s are owned by the same medical Name. Every doctor she has seen just write a prescription for antibiotics. Since September not one Dr called in a specialist or referred her to one at all. Finally a Dr did do a scan and said she has a mass on her bladder. This was In the middle of December. She was even admitted for 8 days over Thanksgiving and no specialist was called in then either and still no scan to find mass. On 12/21/2022 she went back cause she felt weird and was light headed. I took her back out to the main hospital again and this time her blood pressure dropped really low. In this ER 2 doctors were talking about her past and both admitted BSA dropped the ball on this and They both could not believe that over all this time no one mentioned specialist or scan. They even came in asked her about DNR and put a port in her chest to help in case she dies. She was admitted to ICU on December 21st We have no information about mass on bladder but they have her now scheduled to remove on Dec 30th.They could have found out about the mass in September but failed to do the correct test or scan. It looks like all these Dr failed to read the history and how long she has been dealing with the bleeding. These clinic and their main hospital have failed over and over to not diagnose her properly.

  11. Danny Hallmark says:

    My wife has a back surgery where doctor removed a spur. Eight weeks later the disc gets unstable moves around so required another surgery. Third time doctor installed hardware and screwed it to stabilize. Now after MRI, one of the screws has broken and hardware is becoming unstable. Doctor and hospital admits to several patients have same issue, so now it’s a manufacturer issue. They want to do another surgery using a different brand of hardware. The hospital has advised FDA on this faulty hardware. She is still in bad pain and needs to be fixed and compusated.

  12. Debra Brown says:

    I recently went to the ER in Paris Texas where the ER doctor insisted on putting a tube in my chest with me telling him no no call my lung doctors. The tube came out of my chest when I got to my floor my room and I laid there for four days with the open wound where I became septic finally left that hospital and went to medical city where they did the repairs on me and I stayed 14 days and came home with a 24 hour anabiotic ball to my heart for another three weeks.

  13. Lisa Grefe says:

    I’m looking for an attorney to help me with malpractice. I was given in correct medical advise.
    I had to have my right leg amputated, on Tuesday July 5th and I’m still in the hospital.
    I would like to speak with someone regar this matter please.

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