Legal Marketing

ChatGPT and Legal Content Marketing

First, let’s dig into what ChatGPT is. ChatGPT is a chatbot form of artificial intelligence (AI). It’s a variant of GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3), a state-of-the-art natural language processing model.

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Image focusing on Google Search Console's home page about talking about the 2024 Google Core Update

What Lawyers Need to Know about the March 2024 Google Core Update

On March 5th, Google announced a core algorithm update intended to reduce low-quality, unoriginal results. The move is almost certainly in response to a rise in AI-generated content that led to a noticeable degradation in the quality of the results Google was providing users. The search engine announced two key changes: Algorithmic changes to its core ranking systems will reduce

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Unlocking PPC: The Three-Part Google Ads Strategy to Get 3x ROI

Home Category Child Category Nope, this is not just another article you stumbled upon. If you are running ads on Google and/or Bing, you are going to read this article, then once again and then another time s-l-o-w-l-y, and then you’re going to share the heck out of it with everyone in your firm. How do I know? Because I’m

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Podcasting: Being Your Own Brand

Podcasting: Being Your Own Brand

When I first walked into the doors of North Carolina Central University School of Law in 2005, I had no idea as to the kind of law I wanted to practice or how to practice. When I walked out those doors in 2008, I knew I was about to become a workers’ compensation attorney, but still had little insight on

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Tips for Finding the Right Keywords to Target on Your Law Firm Website

Legal marketing is as nuanced as the field of law itself, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become vital to the success of any law firm. The practice can be daunting for those who are unfamiliar with its complexities, so read on to learn more about finding the right keywords to target on your law firm website. Research The first

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How to Differentiate Yourself on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the de facto social media platform for the business world and has been for some time. Successfully marketing yourself and your law firm on the platform can lead to better opportunities and increased revenue. However, the LinkedIn pages of many businesses are relatively ho-hum, making it difficult for them to stand out from the crowd. Differentiating yourself and

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ChatGPT and Legal Content Marketing

First, let’s dig into what ChatGPT is. ChatGPT is a chatbot form of artificial intelligence (AI). It’s a variant of GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3), a state-of-the-art natural language processing model.

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Image focusing on Google Search Console's home page about talking about the 2024 Google Core Update

What Lawyers Need to Know about the March 2024 Google Core Update

On March 5th, Google announced a core algorithm update intended to reduce low-quality, unoriginal results. The move is almost certainly in response to a rise in AI-generated content that led to a noticeable degradation in the quality of the results Google was providing users. The search engine announced two key changes: Algorithmic changes to its core ranking systems will reduce

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Unlocking PPC: The Three-Part Google Ads Strategy to Get 3x ROI

Home Category Child Category Nope, this is not just another article you stumbled upon. If you are running ads on Google and/or Bing, you are going to read this article, then once again and then another time s-l-o-w-l-y, and then you’re going to share the heck out of it with everyone in your firm. How do I know? Because I’m

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Podcasting: Being Your Own Brand

Podcasting: Being Your Own Brand

When I first walked into the doors of North Carolina Central University School of Law in 2005, I had no idea as to the kind of law I wanted to practice or how to practice. When I walked out those doors in 2008, I knew I was about to become a workers’ compensation attorney, but still had little insight on

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Tips for Finding the Right Keywords to Target on Your Law Firm Website

Legal marketing is as nuanced as the field of law itself, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become vital to the success of any law firm. The practice can be daunting for those who are unfamiliar with its complexities, so read on to learn more about finding the right keywords to target on your law firm website. Research The first

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How to Differentiate Yourself on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the de facto social media platform for the business world and has been for some time. Successfully marketing yourself and your law firm on the platform can lead to better opportunities and increased revenue. However, the LinkedIn pages of many businesses are relatively ho-hum, making it difficult for them to stand out from the crowd. Differentiating yourself and

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