Medical Malpractice SEO Guide

medical malpractice SEO guide
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When it comes to “breach of duty,” there’s nothing that can stop a skilled medical malpractice attorney from proving negligence. But, when it comes to formulating a strategy for medical malpractice SEO, the path isn’t as clear.

While you have crafted expertise in formulating a strategy to obtain top-dollar claims, I have formulated a strategy for lawyers to gain clients through medical malpractice SEO.


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The Ultimate Medical Malpractice SEO Guide

First, let me ease any concerns you might have about your ability to achieve results. You’re actually much further along at executing an SEO strategy for medical malpractice than you may think.

I don’t like to make many generalizations, but in general (hehe), medical malpractice lawyers are well-disciplined individuals that excel at writing. Writing for SEO takes discipline, well-written content and time (I’ll touch more on time in a bit and offer a way around it).


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SEO Writing Strategy for Medical Malpractice Lawyers

You’re going to need to publish content and a lot of it. Quantity is essential but must be matched with other qualities.

The trick to creating medical malpractice SEO content is we need to alter your writing to be more web-friendly instead of melding to legal writing styles. So stop ending bullet points with semi-colons and using double spaces! Just kidding, those aren’t a big deal, but an example nonetheless.

Find a Routine and Stick to It

Google (and other search engines) prefer to see content consistently published. I know you’re super busy but also looking for more clients, so find a balance between the two. 

My worst-case recommendation is to publish content once per month for two years before you rethink what you are doing. My best case/most realistic case recommendation is to publish content weekly for at least one year and then look back at your successes.

Consistently publishing content will achieve the following:

  • Google will form a routine to crawl your website as much as you publish content.
  • You’ll gain exposure in search engines and obtain more chances for your content to be found.
  • You’ll formulate a discipline that’ll become second-hand nature.
  • You’ll find additional content opportunities through the results.
  • Your content will gain backlinks from other websites, which will improve your overall rankings.
  • You’ll enhance your brand awareness.
  • You’ll become a content leader in medical malpractice.
  • You’ll eventually get consistent med mal leads.

That might seem like a lot of content, so let me help you develop an SEO medical malpractice content strategy.

Generating Medical Malpractice Content Ideas

Coming up with a new topic every week might seem exhausting. And you do want to have a new topic. Each post you create should be unique from the previous. While there will be overlap, don’t create a post on the same topic twice. If there is too much overlap, add the new content to the old post to beef it up. One super guide on a medical malpractice topic is better than multiple smaller posts.

Write about what your clients ask you. Anytime a new or existing client asks a question or makes an inquiry, make note of it in the exact way they asked. How they ask you is the same way they’ll search Google. Your content will rank better when it contains the exact match of what people are searching for.

Notice how often this post contains “medical malpractice SEO” and other variations such as “SEO for medical malpractice.” It’s a bit redundant, and too much will not give you improved results, but it’s highly effective. The concept is called “keyword density.”

When people search the internet for medical malpractice content, they might not know they need a medical malpractice attorney. Many are trying to figure it out, so they’ll search for what we call “longtail keywords.” These are excellent to target as the market is highly saturated with “medical malpractice attorney,” and you won’t be able to compete without a massive budget and time.

Here are some examples of longtail medical malpractice keywords:

  • “doctors failed to diagnose diabetes type 2”
  • “doctors failed to diagnose esophageal cancer”
  • “hospital sent me home with chest pain and {fill in the blank}”

As the medical malpractice attorney, you have much more exposure to these scenarios, and hopefully, a lightbulb has already gone off. That fact is why YOU are the best person to write your content. You may find success in hiring a writing company, but they don’t have the frontline exposure that you do. Many attorneys don’t want to write their own content, which gives you a huge opportunity. Outsourced medical malpractice content is generic and bland. At a minimum, develop a detailed outline of the article’s content and send it off to an experienced writer.

Think of the saying, “if you have a question, somebody else has the same question.” The world is huge, and even the rarest cases will happen more than once. Target specific medical malpractice cases, questions, and elaborate.

Include details of similar medical malpractice cases you’ve worked on, touching on location, medical facility, exact case of negligence, how the person was impacted, the outcome, and any other information that another victim will want to know about.

Best Content Practices for Medical Malpractice SEO

We’ve covered creating content on a schedule and the ways to generate topic ideas for medical malpractice content. Now, let’s discuss the tips and tricks to get the maximum SEO benefit from your content without breaking the bank.

“Spiderweb” Your Content

Each piece of content you publish should not be a lonely island. Link your content together at very relevant to even slightly relevant places.

Each time you write an article, find several areas where you can link to a previous article you’ve written (or after you publish a new article, go back to an old article and link to the new one).

Interlinking all of your medical malpractice content is great for SEO and for visitors to hop around between articles.

Not only is it important to interlink your content, but the actual link text (aka anchor text) is critical. It’s essential to link to the article using the phrase you want that article is about. For example, if I were to link to this article in another one of my articles, I’d hyperlink the text medical malpractice SEO. Google looks at the link text as a description of the referenced page. If you’re linking to a page with the phrase Dr. Death the article you’re linking to should be about Dr. Death.

In summary, it’s beyond valuable to interlink all of your medical malpractice content using the keywords you want to rank for as the anchor text.


Some experts will give you a minimum word count. In reality, the article just needs to be comprehensive so when a visitor finds your page they’re not immediately clicking the back arrow to find a different source. When they click that back arrow, it shows Google that your content isn’t comprehensive and you begin to slip down the search results.

Use your knowledge to write the article so the topic is covered fully. For some issues, you may only need 500 words; other topics will require 5,000 words.

In summary, just do what it takes (length-wise) to make your content the most comprehensive it can be. 

Link to Original Sources

A trick of mine is to link to the original sources when referencing an external source. For example, this article discusses Missouri’s high court ruling that putting a cap on damages from medical malpractice is constitutional. Instead of linking to that article, it’s best to link to the source. Finding the original content adds credibility.

It’s also beneficial to include several external links in your article too. Just as we were taught in school, finding a specific amount of sources is necessary to establish credibility.

SEO Bonus: Create a video. Adding a custom video to your article will help boost your article’s rank in Google. Additionally, it gives another place for people to find your content (i.e., YouTube). Plus, videos are easier to rank on their own as there is less competition. More people are writing articles than producing videos. 

Need for Speed

Quick tip to combat the aggressively competitive medical malpractice SEO arena — make sure your website is insanely fast. High-performing websites will perform better in Google and give you a higher chance of beating your competition. Check out my suggestion on the best website builder for law firms (note, see how the link text of that link matches what people search for?).

Additionally, it’s beneficial to post your content on other well-established websites to reach their audiences. seeks one top medical malpractice attorney per city to be that location’s expert contributing editor. This mutually beneficial relationship will gain your content exposure and ultimately drive you leads. Learn more and apply.

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