Video Marketing: 5 Types to Grow Your Client Base

Video Marketing
Women in Law Special Issue

If you are currently not incorporating video marketing into your law firm marketing plan, you should consider it. Video marketing has so many benefits: Google owns YouTube so videos have a tendency to rank high on Google (if they are strategically setup for SEO), they allow your audience to connect with you, videos are great for engagement, and they help you build more credibility and authority in your practice area niche.

If you have done a search on Google for a product or service and you see one video, the rest are search results that are text only — what stands out on the page? Video, of course! I know you’re thinking to yourself, “but videos are so difficult, expensive, and time consuming to produce” but in reality, modern video marketing has made it easier and easier to produce videos without complicated equipment or tools.

I will even share two of my favorite video making tools with you: Animoto and Adobe Video.

No. 1 — Video Testimonials

These types of videos are an excellent way to showcase your expertise in your legal niche. In a highly competitive space, video testimonials can make all the difference in landing that next big case. The only difficult part is how do you get your past or current clients to send you a video testimonial? One of the easiest ways to do this would be to host a client appreciation party and hire a professional videographer to shoot short one-two minute video testimonials of clients who are raving fans.

The other way is to ask for a video testimonial. Once you have successfully handled your client’s case, ask them to record a simple video testimonial on their iPhone or have a tripod with a video camera at your office and when they come by for a meeting.


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No. 2 — Animated Videos

If you either don’t have the time to record videos or are not comfortable being on camera, then animated videos may be the best option for you. An animated video can tell a story or explain your services while capturing the attention of your audience. Animated videos can have cartoon characters that may represent different scenarios such as courtroom or a consultation with a client. Whiteboard videos are a type of animated explainer video that includes scribing and because the characters and scenes are sketched and come to life, they are great for holding the attention of your viewers.

No. 3 — Vlogs

The advantage of creating a vlog (or video blog) is that it is easy to create and doesn’t require a professional video crew. With some basic equipment, you can create high-quality professional videos for your website blog and/or YouTube channel. You might be wondering what type of content or information your vlogs should share?

You can use your vlogs to show bits and pieces of your day or create short one minute videos that answer some of the most frequently asked questions. You can also use them to showcase your expertise by discussing the latest developments in the legal industry.

No. 4 — Interviews

If you have ever been interviewed on the news or mentioned in a prominent publication, then you know the value of publicity. You can create your own publicity by interviewing thought leaders in your industry or allowing others to interview you. Because interviews are unscripted, they are an easy way to create fresh, relevant content without having to come up with a detailed script.

An ideal way to prepare an interview video is to come up with a list of questions to ask the interviewee. If you are the one being interviewed, then find out if there is a theme to the interview. In an interview, your responses should come authentically and do not need to be scripted.

No. 5 — Facebook Livestreaming

The newest video marketing tool is livestreaming. Whether you have checked out the Periscope app or have seen your friends livestreaming on your Facebook page, this is one of the most impactful but underutilized tools out there. If you have not tried Facebook livestreaming before, Facebook now gives you the ability to push a button and go live on air to either your personal profile or your business page. As you are livestreaming, your audience can write comments or questions in the feed.

The best part about it is that you don’t have to have a huge budget for creating video content — it doesn’t even cost you a penny. Once the video stream is finished, it will appear on your Facebook timeline a few minutes later and you are able to repurpose the content for your website or share on other social channels.

Consider incorporating video into your marketing strategy for 2017 and watch your clients grow. Dimple Dang

Dimple Dang

Dimple Dang is a legal marketing expert and coach with more than 20 years of experience in the legal industry. Her expertise in marketing includes content creation, web design, email marketing, SEO, PPC, social media marketing and strategy, and podcast launch & creation. She is the host of the Mesmerizing Marketing Podcast and a professional speaker. Dimple also coaches attorneys on how to utilize Instagram and TikTok to grow their brand. To connect with Dimple, email her at [email protected].

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