Locations With The Most Personal Injuries in Eugene, OR

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What Constitutes a Personal Injury?

We want you first to look at what constitutes a personal injury. Injuries happen when there is an accident, and accidents do not occur unless there is an element of negligence by you or someone else. Most people firmly believe these negligent accidents should not happen and are preventable.

There is no particular place, time, or circumstance where personal injury accidents can happen. Accidents happen when least expected or where there are high risks of accidents.


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If Vision Zero can educate you about where the high accident areas are in your city, you can take special precautions to avoid these areas or heighten your awareness while driving in these areas.

Construction jobs, for example, are at high risk of accidents and injury; if you have a job such as in construction, you need to take special care and institute company-initiated precautions to avoid getting injured.

The following are only a few known personal injury accidents and are not limited to this list.


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These negligent accidents/injuries/death cases happen daily and in the thousands across America. You could avoid most of these personal injuries if you or someone else paid better attention to their actions.

Negligence is the number one reason why accidents happen. These accidents cause a wide range of injuries, from minor to life-changing injuries and frequently death.

Where Do Personal Injuries Happen the Most?

It is a known fact that a wide variety of accidents happen all over the United States, from metropolitan areas to secluded rural areas. However, it only makes sense that the more populated cities have the highest reported incidents of accidents. These occur on the roadways and other areas because there are more drivers, an increased populace, and a wider variety of jobs.

If we were to take one location in the United States, like Eugene, Oregon, which has a population of nearly 174,000 people, where do most personal injuries occur in Eugene?

Eugene, Oregon’s Answer to Reduce Roadway Negligent Injuries

According to the Vision Zero Action Plan of Eugene, Oregon, a data system to help reduce transportation injuries in Eugene, OR. These personal injuries in this city happen on specific roadways.

The injury attorneys at Strong Law know that too many people are hurt on Eugene’s roadways. This seasoned and experienced Eugene law firm represents those injured in negligent accidents. Injured victims of negligent accidents need help with workers’ comp and settlement cases to help pay for the unexpected costs of all negligent accidents.

Vision Zero and this seasoned law firm aim to educate citizens on local traffic safety. We discovered where the most significant need lies in crash areas and prioritized all resources to help decrease crashes.

When you look at the High Crash Network Map, you notice the highlighted areas of priority where the most accidents occur. We aim to see zero reported accidents, injuries, and deaths on Eugene’s roadways. Our beautiful city is working hard towards zero reported accidents, injuries, or deaths.

According to investigations through the Vision Zero Action Plan, the following streets are Eugene’s most dangerous and intersectional streets. We now have an action plan to decrease the accident and injury statistics.

This action plan relies on the residents of Eugene to report to officials identifying biking, walking, and vehicle patterns, problems, and prioritizing work. The information helps to identify and report transportation hazards and dangerous traffic behaviors that need correcting.

This action plan broke down these areas of concern into three categories: most people driving, walking, and biking were in accidents causing severe crashes resulting in serious injury or death.

  • The most vehicle crashes
  • The most cycling crashes
  • The most pedestrian accidents

Eugene’s Highway Crash Network

City officials followed all reported accidents and injuries. They found that only 9% of all roadways in Eugene were the collective center for the majority of too many accidents and severe injuries. These accidents reported were preventable.

Eugene residents can access a High Crash Network Map and discover where most accidents happen. Drivers, bikers, and pedestrians must use extreme caution on these roads and streets.

Our law firm represents negligent accidents, and we cannot stress enough to all citizens in Eugene that all accidents are preventable were it not for the negligent actions of any person.

Whether walking, biking, or driving any vehicle, pay attention, do not get distracted, and adhere to Eugene’s roadway laws. Be aware of the High Crash Network Map and when entering these areas, slow down and pay attention. The following roads and streets are the most dangerous transportation sites in Eugene.

  • River Rd.
  • Randy Pappe Beltline
  • Division Ave.
  • Coburg Rd.
  • MLK Jr. Blvd.
  • Hilyard St.
  • Alder St.
  • Willamette St.
  • Pearl St.
  • Jefferson St. Chambers St.
  • 7th, 8th, 11th, and 13th Streets
  • Delta Hwy.
  • Crescent Ave.
  • Interstate 105
  • Northwest Expy.
  • Hwy 99
  • Barger Drive
  • Royal Ave.
  • Pearl St.
  • Alder St.

What to Do Immediately following a Roadway Accident?

Important Tips to Remember

We have outlined tips that you need to try to keep in your memory bank. Some folks we know write down these tips and put the list in their glove compartment or wallet if they are ever involved in an unfortunate accident. Please consider the following helpful steps after an accident occurs.

  • Call the police and make out an accident report.

There is always a negligent person responsible for any accident. This person could be you or the other person (s). Please measure your words carefully. Always tell the truth, but never say things like,

“I am so sorry for this accident happening.” 

“I could have been at fault for this accident.”

If you were innocent of causing an accident and injuries, you could hurt your case by saying things that could blame you when you were not to blame. Never sign any release. Insurance companies use statements like this to keep from paying settlements.

  • You or a trusted advocate need to call as soon as possible 206-741-1053. Sometimes we can come to the accident site and start our investigation. Visiting the accident scene allows us to speak with the police and witnesses on site. We can get pictures as well.

If we cannot come to the accident site and you cannot come to us, we will come to you in the hospital or at home.

  • Seek medical treatment. If you do not believe you have injuries from the accident, please go to the emergency room anyway and be checked. Sometimes injuries from accidents do not show up for a few days, weeks, or months. Never refuse medical help.
  • Take as many pictures and notes about your accident as you can. If your injuries do not allow you to do this, ask a trusted family member or friend to do this while details of the accident are fresh in your mind. Be sure to document all of your injuries.
  • Obtain copies of the police report
  • Be sure to address all medical appointments.
  • Keep clear and concise notes throughout your healing process.
  • Please refer all insurance calls to us. It would be best if you took this to heal.
  • Never accept any settlement offers by any insurance company without conferring with us first. These settlements are only enough to pay for some of your accident costs.
  • Make copies of all police reports, medical reports, and documents. 

Our Attorneys Cannot Help until You Call this Law Firm

The community of Eugene, Oregon, is working hard with city officials to decrease all roadway accidents because these accidents would not happen were it not for the negligence of someone.

Our goal for you is to follow your doctor’s recommendations and heal. We never want you to deal with the many nagging calls you will receive from insurance companies, other attorneys, and people involved in your accident. Please tell all callers who call you for information about your accident,

“This is my attorney’s phone number. Please call my attorney to answer all of your questions.” 

We do not want you to deal with insurance companies, their agents, other attorneys, or the guilty person (s) while you are trying to heal. Please do not answer any of their questions and refer their calls to our office.

Please allow us to do this for you and concentrate on your healing process.

Insurance companies are no friend to you, no matter how long they have served your insurance needs. These companies want to avoid paying you anything or as little as possible. Never be surprised if your insurance company and other attorneys try to blame you for the accident.

We can calculate the amount of settlement you need to pay for your present and future medical bills related to your accident. We calculate all the additional costs you must pay. We have an extensive list of cost possibilities, including loss of income.

It would be best if you recouped these costs as there will be many expenses. Our accident clients need more money to pay for all the costs after a negligent accident occurs than what insurance companies offer to pay in a random settlement.

Your injury attorneys at Strong Law ensure the insurance companies and the negligent person (s) pay you a fair and just settlement.

We always try to settle out of court. However, if other insurance companies and their attorneys want to avoid negotiating a fair settlement for you, we are always prepared to go to court. We remain close by your side, now and long into the future.

Jed Strong

Jed Strong is the founder of Strong Law. He knows that accident injuries can be devastating to individuals and families, so he does everything in his power to ensure his clients recover every bit of compensation they deserve. Jed uses his skill and experience to present the most effective case possible.

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