5 Tips for Pivoting Your Marketing in the Midst of COVID-19

re-directing marketing during covid-19
2024 Feature Nominations

When you’re a small law firm owner, every hour and every dollar count. You know you need to market your services to keep your client roster full, but how much time should you spend on it when the economy is in a holding pattern and the world is collectively focused on the coronavirus pandemic?

How much money should you throw at it? Which medium is best? Does social media really matter? Is it even worth it right now?


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The short answer is YES.

In fact, now more than ever is the time to amp up your marketing efforts. Why? Because this pandemic has done nothing but create more problems for more people. And you, as a law firm owner are in the business of solving problems. This is your moment.

If you play your cards right, you can stay in front of your community and the people who need your help with a solid marketing strategy that keeps leads coming through the pandemic and long after.



Here are 5 things you can start doing today to pivot your messaging and position yourself as the best and obvious solution for your prospects right now:

  1. Create valuable blog and social media content that speaks to top of mind problems. Audiences are glued to their phones and computers right now. When you start to post content regularly that is centered on the problems this pandemic may have caused for your prospects, not only does your SEO and visibility improve but you establish yourself as the recognizable expert in your niche.
  2. Give something away for free that offers information on the most urgent problem. Everyone loves a freebie. Forget the old-school route of giving away a pen or a fridge magnet and go a bit deeper. Give away a free checklist of everything people should consider when composing their living will. Give away a free Ebook that outlines the most important things couples need to consider when filing for bankruptcy as a result of lost wages. Whatever area of practice you’re in, you can find something of value to give away for free as a token of goodwill and a stepping stone to offering your services.
  3. Sponsor community events. Most of the times lawyers will do this by hosting a table with brochures on it that no one really wants to stop at. Instead, be the firm making and distributing masks. Sponsor a pizza party for first responders and nurses. Stay in front of your community as a contributing member. You’ll stay top of mind and organically become a household name.
  4. Host a virtual meet-up or happy hour. Choose a topic that’s relevant to your niche and host a free virtual meet-up or open Q and A. Invite your community to come and get free information about their…(insert your area of expertise.) And remember, coronavirus is top of mind. Choose a title and topic for your virtual office hours that is directly related to how the pandemic may have changed the needs of your prospects.
  5. Use Targeted Facebook Ads. Now this one does come with a bit of a cost, but it’s worth it. You want to make sure you hire someone who knows what they’re doing as the Facebook algorithm seems to change as often as the weather. But the value in using Facebook to market your business is that you can target by zip code, by occupation and even by marital status and get your name and face in front of the people who live near you and are most likely to need your services in the wake of the pandemic and the personal changes it’s created.

Obviously, this is just a sampling of the hundreds of tactics you can employ to promote your business. The five listed here are great, inexpensive ways for you to grow your business while creating impact and none of them take more than a few hours of your time.

Give it a shot!

And don’t forget to measure your outcomes. You’ll see very quickly which initiatives are working, which aren’t and where your focus, time and money should be.

For more information on how to continue to grow your law firm during COVID-19 head over to https://lawfirmpandemicgrowthresources.com/. This is the most comprehensive collection of resources created to help you pivot your firm to run virtually, market your business, make a difference and grow your revenue through the pandemic and long after.

RJon Robins

RJon Robins founded How To MANAGE a Small Law Firm in 2008 with nothing except the support of his wife and co-founder, Alejandra Leibovich, and the experience he had from working as a Law Office Management Advisor for four years at the Florida Bar. Today How To MANAGE A Small Law Firm has grown to be the largest provider of outside C-Suite services for small law firms and has been named by the Inc. 5000 one of the fastest growing companies in the U.S. for the last five years in a row.

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