You Are Successful and You’ve Just Been Let Go, Now What?

Personal Injury Special Issue

The job market for lawyers is hot right now, yet we are still in an era of job elimination. Th e reality is, change is a constant and for career success, we must be prepared for change at all times. So if, in fact, our job circumstances change, what are some immediate steps we can take?

No. 1 – Handle yourself professionally and express appreciation for the opportunity your employer gave you. Your termination may be unexpected or unfair, but the old maxim of “never burn a bridge” is one rule with no exception. Aft er you have gathered yourself, express appreciation for the opportunity given to you. Showing business and professional maturity will serve you in your job search and your career.


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No. 2 – Obtain letters of recommendation with your colleagues. Letters of recommendation still go a long way in catching the attention of prospective employers. If, for whatever reason, you are unable to obtain a letter from your direct supervisor, consider asking others within your organization and network. Th is could include other partners with whom you have worked, colleagues, adversaries, judges, business leads and if appropriate and within ethical bounds, clients.

No. 3 – Request outplacement assistance. Outplacement is an employer-funded personalized service that addresses the need of an individual moving into a new position. Working with an outplacement provider is radically different than working with a recruiter. In short, you are the client, not the employer. Outplacement provides educational assistance and various types of support into new employment. It is commonplace amidst law firms in the Minnesota market to provide outplacement assistance; just make sure the outplacement provider has substantial experience working with attorneys and legal personnel versus the general public. A job search for a legal position requires additional tactics than the typical job search.

No. 4 – Network. Sometimes human nature causes us to overlook tapping into our network as one begins a job search. We suddenly feel “funny” about talking with our network, or we panic because we think we have no network at all. Recognize that in today’s world, everyone you know has been or has someone in his/her life who has been let go. It does not have to be a mark on your career; it is all in how you handle it. Our experience has also been that one’s existing employer (partners, associates, clients, outside counsel, co-counsel and staff ) can be a surprisingly great starting point.


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No. 5 – Don’t be discouraged by the job boards. For many individuals, reading and relying on the job boards can be a negative experience. “Ads” are only one way employers staff positions. Th e “hidden job market” is alive and well, and part of your learning process will be learning how to tap into that market.

No. 6 – Meet with a well-respected, experienced legal recruiter. One such resource for the hidden job market is a recruiter. If you are unaware of a reputable recruiter, ask the management in your organization if they know of a well-regarded recruiter. Such a recruiter will have a consulting relationship with various organizations, which can help you move beyond being one of a pile of resumes on someone’s desk. In short, a recruiter can be your advocate, a direct voice to the employer. A knowledgeable recruiter can also shed light on matters like compensation systems, adaptability to laterals, support strengths and management philosophies.

No. 7 – Be judicious about sending out your resume. Many of us are tempted to “paper the town” once we begin a job search. While this can be effective for a certain segment of the candidate marketplace, it can also backfire. Th is is particularly true if your objective involves a shift in career direction. Also, on many occasions you must be wanting just to network with your contact and may set yourself up for a rejection letter. Use your good judgment. Th e key is not allowing your letters and resume to become more junk mail on someone’s desk.

Jodi Standke

Jodi Standke

Jodi Standke is CEO of Talon Performance Group Inc., a legal talent management firm that accelerates performance of individuals, teams and organizations. For culture fit recruiting, business development training and career navigation, contact Talon. Hundreds of clients across the country rely on Jodi’s expertise. WBENC and NALSC certified. Contact Jodi Standke at (612) 827-5165 or at [email protected].

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