- Call the Police – The first thing you should do after an accident is call the police. The police will evaluate the scene, gather evidence, and make a preliminary determination about who was at fault for the accident. In addition, they will likely issue a citation to the driver they believe was at fault. Police determinations regarding fault can have a significant impact on the way your case is resolved.
- Take Photos – You can never have too many photos after an accident. Make sure you document where the car was, how the vehicle was hit, where the other car came from, and any road conditions or hazards that may have had an impact on your crash.
- Speak Carefully – After an accident, the police will write down everything you say and add it to their accident report. If you say, “I’m not that hurt; I’m probably okay.” That’s going to show up in your records. Be careful with what you say, tell the truth, and tell them what happened, but be sure not to say anything that could indicate that you were at fault or that minimizes your injuries.
- Seek Medical Attention – After an accident, you should go to a doctor immediately. If you wait to seek medical attention, the other side could argue that your injuries were clearly not very serious or that you failed to take steps to mitigate them. As a result, waiting to go see a doctor could result in a lower settlement offer or judgment – or even a complete denial of your claim.
- Do Not Speak with the Insurance Company– As an accident victim, it’s important to be aware of the fact that the insurance company is not on your side. This is true whether you are dealing with your own insurance company or the other driver’s. Insurance companies want to keep their payouts as low as possible, so it’s in your best interest to retain a Phoenix car accident lawyer as soon as you can after a crash.
What Are the Five Steps to Do after You’ve Been in a Car Accident in Phoenix, Arizona?
By Austin Kurtz
- June 27, 2023

Austin Kurtz
As a Phoenix personal injury attorney, Austin Kurtz fights for plaintiffs' rights in motor vehicle accidents, wrongful death, product liability, and other accidents caused by the wrongful conduct of others.