Dangerous Roads in Yakima, WA that Lead to Most Car Accidents

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The state of Washington is filled with busy roads, and the most popular streets in Yakima are a prime area for accidents of all types. This area is steadily growing, which means even more people are on the roads. When this occurs, the number of collisions increases, but there is a noticeable trend in some specific areas. The most dangerous roads in Yakima are the site of hundreds of accidents each year. Drivers who travel through the area should be aware of these potentially hazardous conditions and take extra precautions to ensure their safety. However, if the unexpected occurs, it’s important to know what to do and how to proceed following the incident.

Accidents in Yakima

  • The site of the most crashes last year, and in previous years for Yakima, with 16th avenue and Nob Hill blvd. In total, this location had 51 accidents in just one year. Naturally, the cause of these accidents is congestion and driver error. Most of the accidents resulted from drivers attempting to beat a red light but didn’t make it through the intersection. Factor in the number of fast-food restaurants and the pedestrian traffic, and you have dangerous conditions on these two roads.
  • Just after that, the total is number two-third Avenue and Nob Hill. Last year there were 37 accidents recorded at that intersection. According to the local officials, although this particular intersection was ranked high for crashes, the total number of crashes has decreased. This total is in regards to previous years.
  • Third on the list is Fruitdale Blvd and 16th avenue. This intersection had 33 collisions all last year. Part of the issue there was the narrow turning lanes and pedestrian traffic. Additionally, it’s noted that there are driveways surrounding the area that make it challenging to navigate getting in and out of traffic at that busy intersection.
  • Fourth on the list is Teton drive and 16th avenue. This area had 31 accidents reported last year. The report issued by the Traffic Operations Department stated that part of the blame was due to smaller than ideal roads and inadequate space for vehicles turning in the area.

A full report was issued showing the total top ten intersections and roads with the most accidents. Of those, the vast majority included 16th Street in Yakima, WA.


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Most Common Types of Accidents on Yakima Roads

The total number of accidents at these intersections is staggering, and of those recorded, the vast majority were sideswiped. This type of accident happens when someone tries to make an illegal or blind turn or if they try to run a red light at an intersection. Busy intersections often have many other obstacles, adding to the confusion and creating timing issues for drivers in the area. Poor visibility from heavy traffic and local business driveways and features can also increase the likelihood of having an accident in the area.

Other Factors to Consider

Yakima, Washington, has other factors to consider when considering the heavy traffic and obstacles at the intersections mentioned above and roads. One of the major things to know is that weather can play a big factor in road safety in congested areas. If there is ice and snow on the ground, the potential for accidents increases significantly. Those who travel through intersections on these roads may lose traction if they brake too quickly. They may also lose traction if there is black ice. This can lead to severe accidents and rear-end collisions. Heavy snowfall and fog may also obstruct drivers’ vision in the area during the winter and fall months.

Consideration is also given to the time of day. When traffic is heaviest during the week, when people are heading to work in the morning and then later in the evening, greater caution must be used. All too often, people are in a hurry to get where they need to be and take unnecessary risks on the roads and at the intersections. Out of all the accidents in the country, the number one cause of accidents is usually speeding. People tend to speed up to get to work or get home and follow too closely or don’t have adequate time to stop suddenly when there is an issue with the traffic flow.


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Of course, as mentioned earlier, much of the problem in the Yakima area is poorly planned or spaced roads. Much of the issue is because the area has experienced significant growth over the last few years, and the road design doesn’t consider the volume of traffic and new businesses that have appeared in the area. This combination of factors all leads to an environment conducive to frequent collisions.

What to do if You’re in an Accident

Whether you live in Yakima or some other area, you should know what to do if you are involved in an accident. As soon as an incident occurs, you’ll want to determine if you and your passengers are injured. If you are injured or suspect serious injuries, you’ll want to call emergency services and keep yourself and your passengers still there until help can arrive. If you don’t appear seriously injured, you may want to move out of the danger zone where traffic is to avoid being injured by other motorists.

Once you get help and arrive at the hospital, you’ll receive tests and medical attention to determine if you have injuries. As soon as you can, contact a trusted personal injury firm. They can begin working on your case right away to ensure you get the best possible outcome. The goal is to get compensation for damages, expenses, and ongoing care if it’s needed. They are also experts who know what documentation is necessary and how, where, and when to file paperwork or submit information to the courts. They work with insurance companies, too, so you can get details quickly to help the case along. If you or someone you know is ready to work with a personal injury firm, have them reach out today for a consultation.

Tyler Hinckley

Tyler Hinckley represents individuals and businesses in state and federal court in litigation involving personal injury, property damage, employment claims, and business and commercial disputes. He represents individuals and businesses in a variety of employment cases, including wrongful termination, wage and hour, employment discrimination, and retaliation. Additionally, he represents individuals in residential construction defect and construction contract disputes, easement and boundary line disputes, and cases involving damage to real property. Tyler also represents clients in administrative proceedings before state administrative agencies.

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