Life Outside the Courtroom

Life Outside the Courtroom
Judge Dan Hinde

In the latest READERS RESPOND, we asked attorneys to tell us about their adventures outside the office. 

I recently went on a trip to Hawaii with a friend (who is also a GC) on her annual company trip. Our sunset cruise turned into a booze cruise, and the DJ had all the ladies in our group dancing on the deck. It was the highlight of the trip!
Kristine Camron
Kristine Camron
GC at Formstack

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Tell us about your adventures outside the office. 

Attorney at Law Magazine

Attorney at Law Magazine is a national B2B trade publication for and about private practice attorneys. The magazine focuses on the industry, its events, happenings and the professionals and firms that drive its success. The editorial is a collaboration of interviews with professionals, industry expert penned columns and articles about advancing your legal practice through marketing, practice management and customer service.

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