Recoverable Damages After a Eugene, OR, Car Accident

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Some 6 million car accidents take place in the US every year, with 3 million resulting in injuries. So, the chances are fairly good that you or someone in your life will experience a car accident at some point in your life. So, you should know what your rights and responsibilities are if you are in a car accident, as well as the damages you might recover when you’re in a car accident in Eugene, OR

Car accidents happen every day, so you’re not unique in your experience. Still, it’s important to seek out the right representation and legal advice for your accident, so you’ll receive the compensation you deserve for your accident. As a starting point, look at the types of damages you may recover, with the help of a car accident lawyer.

Economic Damages

It’s not always easy to determine the extent of your injuries from a car accident. Even with a minor fender-bender, you may have injuries that will require long-term medical care and therapy, but they could involve a range of other economic damages as well.

Medical Expenses

  • When you’ve been in an accident, a car accident attorney can help you seek compensation based on your medical expenses related to physical therapy, in-home care, cognitive and other psychological therapies, ambulance fees, and doctor appointments.
  • Since you may not have a clear picture of the extent of your injuries will be, you should gather and keep careful records of past and future medical expenses related to your car accident.
  • The stack of bills could include receipts for medications, hospitalization bills, therapy appointments, and other related medical costs.

Property Damages

  • Car accidents involve damage to your vehicle, but it’s easy to overlook some of the more incidental property costs related to your car accident.
  • You might have clothes, books, electronics, a car seat, and other items in the car at the time of the accident. Remember, even if the car seat is not visibly damaged in an accident, safety experts still recommend that you get a new one if/when there is ever an accident.
  • When you’ve lost personal property in a car accident, you should take photographs of your car and property at the scene of the accident.
  • Your photos and documentation that you gather will be valuable resources as you work with a car accident attorney on your personal injury case.
  • Include the costs associated with rental cars, vehicle repair, towing, or any other related fees that were only incurred due to the car accident.

Lost Wages

  • Lost wages represent measure losses that have occurred as you are unable to fulfill your normal job junction.
  • Measurable losses associated with your wages can be documented with paystubs, but the loss may also include other requirements like house cleaning, child care, and upkeep costs if/when you are no longer able to accomplish those tasks due to an injury resulting from the car accident.

Non-economic damages

Many of the hard costs that you think about are associated with the economic cost of your car accident. So, you can gather the photos, the documents, and the bills to prove the validity of those hard costs. While economic costs are generally easily measurable, non-economic costs like pain and suffering or punitive damages are a bit more elusive. How do you measure the real impact or cost of a person’s negligence?

Pain and Suffering

  • Pain and suffering is a general catch-all that encompasses physical pain, lost or damaged relationships, or emotional stress.
  • The non-economic damages associated with pain and suffering will vary depending on each person’s situation.
  • Damages could include loss in the quality of life, loss of bodily function, loss of functionality or use related to an arm or a leg, or even scarring and disfigurement.

Punitive Damages

  • Where you and your car accident are able to prove gross negligence ( Rev. Stat. § 31.730), you can collect punitive damages in Eugene, Oregon. Punitive damages may be awarded in the case of drunk driving as well as erratic or dangerous driving scenarios.
  • Punitive damages are awarded as an obvious deterrent and punishment, but the process for recovering these damages can be complicated and delicate.
  • Successful recovery of punitive damages often requires in-depth knowledge of Oregon law, which is why it’s so important to consult with a car accident attorney if you feel that these damages may be warranted.

Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer

You can often handle basic car accidents yourself. You may have already done so in the past, but when you are seeking compensation in your personal injury care, you should consult with an experienced car accident attorney. A car accident attorney can quickly review your medical records, hear out your full story, and help you to determine the best course of action.

Without a car accident attorney, it’s likely that you will sign off on a settlement without fully understanding how your health and medical condition might be affected in the future. It’s also likely that you won’t ask for (or get) the compensation you deserve. You need the car accident lawyers in Eugene, OR.

Jed Strong

Jed Strong is the founder of Strong Law. He knows that accident injuries can be devastating to individuals and families, so he does everything in his power to ensure his clients recover every bit of compensation they deserve. Jed uses his skill and experience to present the most effective case possible.

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