Josef B. Hess: Rising Star

2024 Feature Nominations

In its latest Rising Star spotlight, Attorney at Law Magazine sat down with Josef B. Hess, an associate in Rissman’s Jacksonville office, to discuss his career. Hess focuses his practice on liability defense matters.

AALM: When did you first know you wanted to become an attorney? What drew you to this career?



JBH: I became an attorney because I wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. I’ve always felt it was important to give back to the community, and as an attorney, it is fulfilling being able to make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals when they need it most.

AALM: How is the practice of law different than your expectations in law school?

JBH: In law school, the classes focus on legal principles and knowledge. Once you’re an attorney, clients rarely come to you with questions on the law, but rather with a problem they are facing. It is our job as attorneys to decipher the law and create an action plan to effectuate a favorable outcome for the client predicated on the law.

AALM: Working with senior partners what is a trait they have that you would like to carry through to the next generation of lawyers? As a newer generation lawyer, what traits do you have that you think senior partners should adopt into their practice?

JBH: The senior partners at Rissman have a “pay it forward” attitude and always have their door open to answer any questions and discuss case strategy. I am grateful to work alongside some brilliant attorneys like Derek Bush, Richard Mangan, Katherine Gannon, and Adriana Paris, who are generous with their time and are committed to mentoring the next generation of attorneys. Mentorship played an important role in my career, and I too wish to carry this on to the next generation. I also believe the new generation of lawyers have a great mindset of work-life balance, that is important for any career.

AALM: What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Hobbies? Sports?

JBH: In my spare time, I have been getting into boating, fishing and paddleboarding. For my birthday, my fiancée, Justice, treated me to a fishing trip where we caught a 70-pound Blacktip shark, and some Redfish that we ate for dinner. Ever since, I’ve been hooked on Florida watersports. No pun intended.

Attorney at Law Magazine

Attorney at Law Magazine is a national B2B trade publication for and about private practice attorneys. The magazine focuses on the industry, its events, happenings and the professionals and firms that drive its success. The editorial is a collaboration of interviews with professionals, industry expert penned columns and articles about advancing your legal practice through marketing, practice management and customer service.

Comments 1

  1. Magdalena Hess says:

    Great article 👏 As a proud parent, I couldn’t be happier to see my son, Josef B Hess achieving so much in his legal career. This article beautifully captures his journey.

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