Complete Injury Care: Complete Care. Complete Cooperation

Complete Injury Care
Women in Law Special Issue

No one chooses to have an accident. Whether it’s an auto crash, slip and fall or any number of other calamities that can befall even the most cautious among us, they are called accidents for a reason. However, we do have the option of choosing what to do after such a distressing event. Dr. Eric Homa of Complete Injury Care has witnessed the various results, good, bad and horrific, depending on the choices people make. As an athlete he has experienced his own share of injuries and knows firsthand how deceptive symptoms (or lack thereof) can be. The universally accepted response to any type of accident is to immediately seek medical attention. However, even with all the studies and research available, the majority of individuals still ignore this rule.

“This is the hardest thing to make people understand,” says the doctor. “It’s very common, immediately following an injury to not experience significant pain. Unfortunately, the person makes the assumption that they must be ‘fine’ and refuse to seek a professional opinion. Of course, in too many instances several hours, days or sometimes even weeks later, they begin to not only experience symptoms, but at this point are truly suffering.


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“Our bodies are amazing and automatic responses are part of our built-in survival mechanisms,” he continues. “When we are involved in something traumatic like an accident, particularly a motor-vehicle accident, our adrenalin spikes. We’re oft en in a state of shock and overwhelmed by the frightening event we’ve just survived. Because adrenalin is rushing through our system, we won’t immediately feel any real pain, but that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been damage. Too oft en, it’s significant damage, which when left untreated, can impact the quality of that person’s life forever.”


There is of course, aside from medical professionals, one segment of our population who are keenly aware of the importance of immediate attention following an accident. That would be, attorneys.

Here too, Dr. Homa is in familiar waters. Prior to opening his clinic in Pottsville, he had operated not one, but two highly successful offices in Las Vegas, Nevada. In fact, it didn’t take long for these to become the largest chiropractic and physical medicine practices in the state.


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“I became the team doctor for TapOut (MMA), and treated everyone from celebrities to military,” he says. “Although it was very rewarding professionally, my wife and I missed being close to family and friends. So, in 2012, I moved my practice back home to Schulykill County and opened Complete Injury Care. What started as a small office has boomed and become one of the busiest clinics in the area. We have expanded our operations to treat the underserved population in need of medical care for auto accidents, slip and falls and workers’ compensation injuries.

“We now sell durable medical equipment through Complete Injury Care Directens and have a staff that can accommodate everything from massage therapy to same day medical emergencies,” he adds.

In fact, they have been so successful, that Complete Injury Care was recently included in the Top Ten Chiropractic Offices in the state of Pennsylvania.


With a fully staffed office and continuously updated, state-of-the-art medical equipment, Dr. Homa’s clinic is prepared to handle virtually any situation. But what makes this practice particularly unique is their knowledge of the requirements for a patient involved in a recovery lawsuit.

“When a patient comes through the door they are entered to a vast referral system of highly qualified MDs, surgeons, imagine facilities, and others that we work with daily to produce the best outcome for the patient,” says Homa. “We also work closely with the patient’s attorney to let them know our medical recommendations, keep track of their client visits, update on patient billing and records and provide any information the attorney may need in order to help their client. We accept Medical Letters of Protection and work on attorney liens. If an attorney has a client that was recently injured, we are your first stop. We will bring the client in usually within 24 hours, do a full examination, and recommend a treatment plan. Records are sent to the attorney immediately, and any recommendations are communicated to the attorney’s office.”

Having treated thousands of patients following car accidents, work injury, bicycle mishaps as well as slip and falls, the staff of Complete Injury Care has the expertise to examine and treat these injuries without the ordeal of spending hours waiting in the emergency room or waiting weeks to see the family doctor.

In addition, Complete Injury Care maintains a vast referral network of primary care physicians, pain management specialist, neurologists and orthopedic physicians. They can also refer patients for X-ray, MRI and NCV testing when needed. The examining doctor can determine if additional testing or specialty will be necessary. Working closely with the patient’s attorney, they ensure that all proper records and information is available in a timely and orderly fashion.

The doctor has proven to be a tremendous asset in other facets of an injury lawsuit too. Having been called upon in countless cases as an expert witness, his testimony, which is professional yet comprehensible to the average jurist, provides a clear and concise account of the injuries sustained and how those injuries can impact the person’s life.

“I’ve been doing this type of work for more than 11 years,” says Dr. Homa. “This is what we specialize in, and over that time period, I’ve lost count of the number of times I have testified, given depositions, been called upon as an expert witness and deposed on various aspects of different cases. Working closely with attorneys has become just another aspect of our practice.”


Due to the nature of the injuries and patients that they treat, the staff of Complete Injury Care offers services that go beyond the walls of their offices.

“We understand that our patients frequently need special considerations,” says Dr. Homa. “For instance, we provide a driving service to and from our offices for local patients. This sometimes means the difference between getting the proper care they need and not. Also, we offer same day appointments. This is highly critical. We’re always emphasizing the importance of immediate care following an accident, so it only makes sense that we have to be prepared to accommodate these patients.

“In addition, we offer in-house DME services for at home therapy, expedited medical records and Colossus Compliant Records for autoinjury patients,” he adds. “All these things help make both the treatment process and legal process move along seamlessly and with as little stress on the patient as possible.”

The doctor also plans on adding TeleMed Services for out of the area patients, as well as continuing to evolve with the latest medical technology.


When not in the office treating his hundreds of patients or testifying in some courtroom, Dr. Homa enjoys running or working out, cheering on the Eagles, boating, volunteering in the community or spending time with his family. He and his wife Amber are making the most of reconnecting with family and friends in the area.

“Growing up playing sports, I spent my share of time on the injury list,” says Homa. “While treating my own injuries through chiropractors and physical therapists, my interest in medicine grew. Aft er high school I first attended U.S. Naval Academy, then James Madison University, followed by Southern California University of Health Science for my doctorate degree, all with the goal in mind to help others as they had helped me. It’s been a wonderful experience and helping people who are in pain is very gratifying. It’s particularly great helping people right here where I grew up.”

Susan Cushing

Susan Cushing is the associate editor of Attorney at Law Magazine as well as a staff writer. She has been contributing to the magazine for more than eight years.

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