Law and Psychology: Which Personality Types Suit the Role of Lawyer?

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You live in an exciting time in human history where innovation, a mass of knowledge, and scientific research enrich how you do live in Chicago. You can read a self-help book to improve an aspect of your life. Your business can operate more efficiently, thanks to machines and software. And here’s one of the best ones: you can pick a career in Chicago that you’ll truly enjoy.

Career Choices and Psychology: Why It’s Important

Why is finding the right career so important? Because your sense of happiness is closely linked to whether you feel a sense of purpose. And will you feel ‘called’ to do something if it goes against everything in your natural skillset, your values or your personality?


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If you’re thinking of picking law as a career, we’ll discuss how psychology—and specifically personality—can help you determine if it’s the right choice. Even if you’re already functioning in this exciting industry, knowing more about your personality and innate preferences can help you make changes to enjoy your career even more. All because of the benefit of modern knowledge! 

If you haven’t done these personality types tests yet, do yourself a favor and get to know yourself. And yes, there are many online tests  you can take if you don’t have time to visit a life coach or psychologist.

MBTI and Your Career Choices

In the Myers-Briggs type indicator test, a person will discover his or her preferences in four different dichotomies. A lawyer or attorney may often display the following traits:


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  • N: Intuitive, as opposed to Sensing
  • T: Thinking, as opposed to Feeling
  • J: Judging, as opposed to Perceiving

In the fourth dichotomy, a successful Chicago lawyer can either have introversion or extraversion preferences.

These preferences in three of the four dichotomies help people face complex scenarios and discover strategies to handle those situations. They’re also naturally good at being organized and leading others, which are vital skills to have during a trial or when a lawyer has to advise clients on the best way forward.

Which Enneagram Type Should Consider a Law Career?

Enneagram types are speedily gaining popularity. After doing a test you’ll be shown to relate to one of the nine types, but it also showcases your connection to the other eight. This test can help you understand and manage workplace relationships and interactions more effectively.

Type sixes on the Enneagram scale are called ‘loyalists’. Let’s be clear: being a loyalist doesn’t mean you’re loyal to everyone, because you actually don’t trust everyone easily. But the ability to be on the lookout for risks is what makes type sixes good lawyers. It’s natural for you to consider the entire situation before following a plan of action.

Once you’ve committed to someone or something—such as a company—then you’ll be a loyal worker. Loyal workers are appreciated and this can lead to good references and solid reputations with the law firm you join as a paralegal.

Let’s be clear: we know these aren’t clearly defined boxes. After all, each person is unique. Your general traits are affected by your upbringing, your choices and unique characteristics you have, whether innate or learnt.

But understanding where a large part of your natural reactions and preferences come from can help you pick a career that suits your personal style. That’s how you find the sweet spot in life.

Rachel Brooks

Rachel Brooks is a contributing writer for Attorney at Law Magazine and Real Estate Agent Magazine. She has written articles on various marketing and legal related topics as well as penned featured articles on legal and real estate professionals.

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