What Do We Owe Our Planet?

Veterans in Law Special Issue

“It was the most important training I had ever received.” This was the feedback from one South African ranger after completing specially-designed legal training. This training gives them the skills to make “technicality-free” arrests of poachers and wildlife criminals – resulting in more convictions. It was organized by the International Rhino Foundation, delivered by Stop Rhino Poaching, and funded by donations, including LEX Reception.

Conservation is one of the pressing issues on many of our minds. As many as 30-50% of all species are heading toward extinction by mid-century and 99% of those are at risk from human activity, according to the Center for Biological Diversity. There is an increasing acknowledgment that we have benefitted at the expense of the planet and the animals we share it with. But the question is, does this leave us with a corresponding responsibility of care?


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Over 12 years, LEX has listened to the legal community so we can evolve to become more than a legal-specialized answering service. As law firms dealt with the impacts of COVID, we focused on helping them adjust to remote work.

As we listened to callers, clients, and our own team, we thought about who we weren’t listening to. Those that no one could listen to, because they didn’t have a voice of their own. That’s why we’ve made a pledge to donate 1% monthly to protect endangered species and preserve our biodiversity. We want our children and grandchildren to live in as richly diverse a world as we currently do, and that means taking action to protect species now.

Closer to home, we have donated to the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) in New York. Our own red wolf almost went extinct in the wild, and it is organizations like the WCC that remain the last hope for these animals. They provide a home to ten red wolves and are an integral part of a nationwide breeding and reintroduction program. The only surviving wild population of red wolves is in North Carolina and estimated to contain only eight individuals. Many of the wolves at the WCC may have the chance to be released into this protected area and help to bring their species back from the brink of extinction.


Eza Mediation

There’s so much to do. There are so many people, species, and ecosystems that need support and protection. But the great thing is, by acknowledging the power we have and connecting with the right people, we can make a difference. Together.

Bre Swanson

Bre has been introducing business owners to LEX Reception since 2009. She started out as a sales superstar and went on to become the Operations Leader. Bre helps the LEX brand thrive by ensuring processes and partnerships are running smoothly. LEX Reception is a dedicated legal virtual reception service with 24/7 availability, helping law firms around the United States grow. Visit their website to learn more.

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