Legal Marketing


Create a Strong Presence on Yelp

A Nielsen survey found that 78 percent of consumers turn to review sites to find local businesses — and most of these consumers use Yelp as their review site of choice. In fact, a recent study by Software Advice revealed that people who found an attorney through a review site used Yelp more often and rated Yelp more trustworthy than

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newer lawyers

Successful Marketing For Newer Lawyers: What You Didn’t Learn In Law School

Generally speaking, after graduating from law school, newer lawyers face a daunting task: finding a job so you can begin to pay off your law school debt. While many of you landed in law firms, government positions, or in corporate legal departments, a fairly significant number of you decided to hang a shingle and start your own practice. This article

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3 Low-Cost Ways To Improve Your Client Acquisition Strategy Online

Over the years, I have developed a comprehensive and effective strategy to keep users on a website for at least three minutes, which increases their conversion. These strategies are complex and time-consuming to implement and require a deep understanding of the psychology of selling and the art of custom design. I know you are wondering if there is something you

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Facebook Advertising

How Law Firms Can Generate More Cases With Facebook Advertising

There are many different ways to generate new cases. One of the most common ways is via Google AdWords (pay-per-click) campaign. Th e only downfall with this type of advertising is that it can require a significant investment to make it work since the cost-per-click has skyrocketed for many legal niches. For example, the average cost-per-click for the term “car

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The Missing Link to Marketing Success

Everyone knows about the paved path associated with good intentions and no one wants to go there. As a lawyer, you are smart and talented. Every day you win cases, close deals and help clients solve the most difficult problems in their personal and professional lives. Why then, when faced with the best of intentions toward marketing, do you procrastinate,

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10 Marketing Strategies for Small Law Firms to Grow Revenue

Whether you are a solo practitioner or part of a small law firm, it is important to market your law firm on a regular basis to generate leads and grow your firm’s revenue. One of the major problems is that most lawyers do not have a strategic plan for generating more cases and rely entirely on word of mouth. Word

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Sweat the Small Stuff: The Ethics of Marketing Your Law Practice

Many of you have heard of the book, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff,” by Richard Carlson. When it comes to ethically marketing your law practice, it’s the small stuff that matters. From returning calls and emails in a timely fashion to zealously advocating for your clients, compliance with the rules involves making the small stuff a priority in your practice.

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Get Clients and Passive Income with Videos

One of the biggest barriers to creating quality law marketing videos, the expense of filming them, has largely been ameliorated with the advent of high-quality video technology. IPhone cameras and webcams have reached a stage that enables surprisingly good quality videos. Despite the reasonable costs, many lawyers still have misgivings about the best way to market their practice using video,

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generating leads

Internet Marketing: 4 Critical Questions You Must Answer to Obtain & Convert More Leads

How effective your online marketing is in generating leads for your law firm and nurturing those leads to become clients depends on how successful you are at identifying and speaking to your prospects’ “point of pain” – the problems they need your help in solving. You don’t have much time to engage them – industry research indicates most prospects spend

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Content is King: Your Path to Increased Name Recognition and New Business

With the proliferation of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, podcasts, blogging, listservs, RSS feeds, email marketing, video blogging, webinars, and other forms of digital media, it can be challenging to know what will work for you. This article will help point you in the right direction, and show you the reward at the end. Determining Your Unique Value

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Create a Strong Presence on Yelp

A Nielsen survey found that 78 percent of consumers turn to review sites to find local businesses — and most of these consumers use Yelp as their review site of choice. In fact, a recent study by Software Advice revealed that people who found an attorney through a review site used Yelp more often and rated Yelp more trustworthy than

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newer lawyers

Successful Marketing For Newer Lawyers: What You Didn’t Learn In Law School

Generally speaking, after graduating from law school, newer lawyers face a daunting task: finding a job so you can begin to pay off your law school debt. While many of you landed in law firms, government positions, or in corporate legal departments, a fairly significant number of you decided to hang a shingle and start your own practice. This article

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3 Low-Cost Ways To Improve Your Client Acquisition Strategy Online

Over the years, I have developed a comprehensive and effective strategy to keep users on a website for at least three minutes, which increases their conversion. These strategies are complex and time-consuming to implement and require a deep understanding of the psychology of selling and the art of custom design. I know you are wondering if there is something you

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Facebook Advertising

How Law Firms Can Generate More Cases With Facebook Advertising

There are many different ways to generate new cases. One of the most common ways is via Google AdWords (pay-per-click) campaign. Th e only downfall with this type of advertising is that it can require a significant investment to make it work since the cost-per-click has skyrocketed for many legal niches. For example, the average cost-per-click for the term “car

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The Missing Link to Marketing Success

Everyone knows about the paved path associated with good intentions and no one wants to go there. As a lawyer, you are smart and talented. Every day you win cases, close deals and help clients solve the most difficult problems in their personal and professional lives. Why then, when faced with the best of intentions toward marketing, do you procrastinate,

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10 Marketing Strategies for Small Law Firms to Grow Revenue

Whether you are a solo practitioner or part of a small law firm, it is important to market your law firm on a regular basis to generate leads and grow your firm’s revenue. One of the major problems is that most lawyers do not have a strategic plan for generating more cases and rely entirely on word of mouth. Word

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Sweat the Small Stuff: The Ethics of Marketing Your Law Practice

Many of you have heard of the book, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff,” by Richard Carlson. When it comes to ethically marketing your law practice, it’s the small stuff that matters. From returning calls and emails in a timely fashion to zealously advocating for your clients, compliance with the rules involves making the small stuff a priority in your practice.

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Get Clients and Passive Income with Videos

One of the biggest barriers to creating quality law marketing videos, the expense of filming them, has largely been ameliorated with the advent of high-quality video technology. IPhone cameras and webcams have reached a stage that enables surprisingly good quality videos. Despite the reasonable costs, many lawyers still have misgivings about the best way to market their practice using video,

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generating leads

Internet Marketing: 4 Critical Questions You Must Answer to Obtain & Convert More Leads

How effective your online marketing is in generating leads for your law firm and nurturing those leads to become clients depends on how successful you are at identifying and speaking to your prospects’ “point of pain” – the problems they need your help in solving. You don’t have much time to engage them – industry research indicates most prospects spend

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Content is King: Your Path to Increased Name Recognition and New Business

With the proliferation of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, podcasts, blogging, listservs, RSS feeds, email marketing, video blogging, webinars, and other forms of digital media, it can be challenging to know what will work for you. This article will help point you in the right direction, and show you the reward at the end. Determining Your Unique Value

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