LinkedIn Social Audio Beta Rooms Launched for Select Content Creators

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The social audio space launched in 2020 with an app called clubhouse. Many lawyers flocked to the clubhouse app, and they started engaging on social audio. If you have never tried social audio, it is quite an engaging experience, and it can even be addictive. 

How Social Audio Works?

You can go into rooms that are discussing a specific topic and you can be a spectator in the audience and just listen to the conversation or you can raise your hand and you can come up to the stage to get involved in the discussion. If you choose to open up your own rooms, you are considered the moderator of that room and that gives you the power to control the room and bring up people to the stage and control the conversation.


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How Are Lawyers Using Social Audio? 

Many attorneys have been curating conversations focused on topics related to trademark law, the art of practicing law, real issues that lawyers face day-to-day, mental health in the legal industry, and how to prep for law school and life after law school. 

Social audio apps such as Clubhouse and Wisdom have been around for a bit longer, but the exciting news is that LinkedIn is now a player in the social audio game. 

Who Has Access to LinkedIn Social Audio Currently? 

LinkedIn recently chose 200 beta testers out of millions of people to be LinkedIn social audio content creators. One of my good friends Robert Hanna, who is a legal recruiter out of the UK was chosen out of millions of people to be in the LinkedIn beta roll-out of social audio. Beta testers were chosen based on many factors but those that are active users of LinkedIn on a regular basis were top contenders. Currently, LinkedIn social audio rooms are only open to beta testers, and they will slowly be opening these up to other content creators in structured roll-outs. 


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I had the honor of interviewing Robert Hanna on my podcast Mesmerizing Marketing, and we discussed LinkedIn social audio and what it takes to make social audio work for content creators and lawyers. One of the things that Robert shared is that “You can’t go at social audio alone you have to collaborate with like-minded people.” 

And collaboration is exactly what Robert has been doing and many others who are using social audio apps on a regular basis. I have had the opportunity to join Robert on stage in LinkedIn social audio rooms, and I think that it’s going to be a game changer when LinkedIn opens social audio to the public. The response from the audience has been amazing and many content creators and lawyers are looking forward to attending more LinkedIn social audio rooms. 

So How Does LinkedIn Social Audio Work?

On LinkedIn the beta testers who have been chosen to be part of the program can create an event and it will have a specific URL for the event and they can promote it to their community and on other social media platforms. The public and the audience can click on the event link to attend and join these talks and conversations. 

If you are curious to see how social audio works then either attend one of the Sunday Town Hall social audio rooms. Search by the hashtag #socialaudio on LinkedIn to locate live events. Or try going to Clubhouse and create a profile and test it out for yourself. Pick interests, fill out your bio, and follow others in your industry so you see relevant topics in your hallway. Follow the content creators that are in the legal community area and join clubs that are specific to the legal industry.

Maximizing Your Time in LinkedIn Social Audio Rooms 

Click on people’s profiles and you can connect with them on the spot or on the event page, click the networking tab to connect with others that are in the room. 

LinkedIn is all about making genuine connections, so don’t just send someone a request but send them a personalized message so you stand out. Also, LinkedIn has a feature where you can turn on the “content creator” mode, which I recommend everyone go and update their LinkedIn profile to turn this on, because when social audio does rolls out to everyone, it will be available to those that have that feature turned on. To turn creator mode on, click the me icon, view profile, click on creator mode, click next, add hashtags, and save. 

Dimple Dang

Dimple Dang is a legal marketing expert and coach with more than 20 years of experience in the legal industry. Her expertise in marketing includes content creation, web design, email marketing, SEO, PPC, social media marketing and strategy, and podcast launch & creation. She is the host of the Mesmerizing Marketing Podcast and a professional speaker. Dimple also coaches attorneys on how to utilize Instagram and TikTok to grow their brand. To connect with Dimple, email her at [email protected].

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