Why Now is the Best Time to Refresh Your Legal Brand

refresh your legal brand
Judge Dan Hinde

Nearly everyone on the planet is familiar with the COVID-19 pandemic by now. With many countries on lockdown, the “new normal” of social distancing and wearing face masks and an increased focus on hand washing, the world in 2020 is already drastically different than the way we lived just six months ago.

Amidst the economic turmoil and other devastating consequences of the disease, there is one key thing law firms can do to stay relevant: rebrand. Our entire world has changed, and every single industry has felt the impact in some way, shape or form—including the legal industry. Changing your firm’s branding now is the right time to elevate your brand, elevate your firm and show your clients that you’re still committed to giving them what they need, even in a rapidly changing global environment.


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Components of branding

Your branding is the way you present your business, yourself or your firm to the world. First impressions are everything, particularly in the digital age, where we have a large breadth of choices available with just a few clicks of a mouse. Effective branding should create a desire to buy the service, give an accurate (and flattering) perception and increase the public’s awareness that this service exists.

For many law firms, branding begins and ends with a photo of a solo practitioner in front of a bookcase alongside a list of practice areas.

Even the most advanced brands need rebranding when the world changes so drastically, however, and COVID-19 is no exception. You don’t want current and potential clients to look at your services and think that your firm is living in the past.



Why rebrand during major events?

Redefine your purpose and your image. Naturally, this pandemic has changed nearly everything about our daily lives and the way we do business, from working at home and videoconferencing to taking health and safety precautions to avoid infecting others. If the pandemic has directly affected your practice area, consider rebranding to reflect that.

Visually demonstrate your adaptability. Clients want to know that you’re flexible and adaptable, or they’ll start looking for a firm that can better meet their needs. This is the perfect time for launching a newly redesigned website with a modern look; anything that reminds people of tradition and life “before” will seem staid and behind the times. Even a new logo can set the tone for these changing times.

Brand yourself as a business that cares. Never underestimate the importance of branding yourself as a business that treats its clients with compassion. As you redesign your website and update the copy, think about what you’d be looking for if you were searching for a new firm at this time. Do you want one that is ignoring the pandemic and acting like everything is business as usual, or would you want to go with the firm that offers flexibility and treats its clients compassionately? If this sounds unusual, remember that many clients—including highly profitable business clients—will need payment plans and other compassionate options going forward.

COVID-19 has affected nearly every aspect of day-to-day life, but those changes aren’t necessarily all negative. Taking advantage of the “new normal” and rebranding your firm’s aesthetic can provide to be a savvy business choice in the long run.

Karin Conroy

Karin helps lawyers improve their online reputation. She is the Founder and Creative Director of Conroy Creative Counsel, an award-winning recognized leader that has cracked the code of smart, sophisticated, and strategic websites for law firms. Karin shares her legal marketing knowledge as a writer for a number of legal publications including Lawyerist, Attorney at Work, Clio, as well as a host of podcasts.

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