When Your Dream Build Turns into A Nightmare

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Construction defects are a significant concern for homeowners, builders, and contractors.  Identifying and resolving construction defects is vital to all parties engaged in the Minnesota build process.  The following provides the legal framework surrounding construction defects, steps to identify and establish these defects, and the recourse available to affected parties.

Understanding Construction Defects

A construction defect is a flaw or deficiency in a building that results from poor design, substandard materials, improper workmanship, inadequate supervision, or all of the above.  The defect(s) can lead to a range of problems, such as structural failure, water intrusion, and mold, ultimately impacting the health and safety of homeowners.

Minnesota’s statutory structure governs construction defects which are found in Minnesota Chapter 327A.  These laws define the rights and responsibilities of homeowners, builders, and contractors, and provide the necessary legal framework for dealing with construction defects.

Types of Construction Defects

Construction defects are broadly classified into four categories:

  1. Design Defects: These defects arise from errors or omissions in the architectural or engineering design leading to issues such as inadequate structural support, improper drainage, or insufficient ventilation.
  2. Material Defects: These involve substandard materials used in the construction process which cause premature failure or degradation of the building components.
  3. Workmanship Defects: These are flaws in the construction process resulting from poor workmanship, including inadequate installation, improper assembly, or insufficient adherence to building codes and industry standards.
  4. Supervision Defects: These defects occur when contractors fail to adequately supervise and manage construction work leading to improper execution or noncompliance with applicable regulations.

How to Establish Construction Defects

While no two cases are alike, these are steps to help provide evidentiary support for a construction defect claim:

  1. Document the Defect: Record the nature, extent, and location of the defect, including photographs or videos, written descriptions, and any relevant documents, such as building plans or inspection reports.
  2. Obtain Expert Opinion: Engage a qualified expert, such as an architect, engineer, or building inspector, to assess the defect, determine its cause, and provide a professional opinion on the necessary corrective measures.
  3. Notify the Builder or Contractor: In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 327A.03, the homeowner must provide written notice of the defect within six months to the builder or contractor, allowing them an opportunity to inspect and correct the issue.
  4. Pursue Legal Action: If the builder or contractor fails to address the defect within a reasonable time, the homeowner may initiate legal action.  In Minnesota, the statute of limitations for construction defect claims is generally two years from the discovery of the defect, but certain circumstances can extend this period.


Legal remedies are often fact-specific but may include:

  1. Repair or Replacement: The builder or contractor may be ordered to repair or replace the defective work or materials at their expense.
  2. Monetary Damages: Homeowners may be awarded monetary damages to cover the cost of repairs, loss of property value, and related expenses.

Establishing construction defects in Minnesota requires a thorough understanding of the legal framework, proper documentation of the defect, expert opinion, and adherence to the necessary procedures.  Homeowners, builders, and contractors should know about their rights and responsibilities to address construction defects promptly and seek legal recourse from experienced attorneys when necessary.

Brandon M. Schwartz

As a trial attorney at Schwartz Law Firm in Oakdale, Minnesota, Brandon M. Schwartz focuses his practice primarily on business law and business litigation involving such matters as shareholder disputes, derivative actions, non-competes and liquidated damage litigation, contract creation and litigation, company formation, patent infringement litigation and age discrimination for clients throughout Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Arizona.

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