The Aftermath of False Abuse Allegations in Family Court Cases

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As a family law practitioner, the cases I have seen that involve Child Protective Services are often cases in which a parent has reported the other parent. In some cases, this is legitimate, and necessary. Unfortunately, in a subsection of cases, it is used as a tool or a legal strategy to harm the other parent. Parents who engage in this type of psychological warfare often suffer from a personality disorder and are also extremely manipulative.

Reporting the Other Parent

The first tool such parents often employ is to coach the child to make disclosures to a therapist, doctor or school official. In this way, the actual report is being made by a neutral mandatory reporter and not the parent directly to the agency. This makes the report seem more credible, and often circumvents screening procedures child welfare agencies already have in place when parents are making the report.


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In some cases, the accusing parent has taken the child to a therapist or mental health provider without the other parent’s knowledge or consent, or has changed the child’s therapist multiple times to find a clinician who will buy into their narrative and fill the role they need that person to play.

Accusing parents often have the child document things in journals, lists or even emails to try to manufacture evidence, which will often contain information or adult terms that do not align with the child’s vocabulary or developmental age.

Such cases often involve similar patterns of behavior in which accusing parents make reports at strategic points in relation to court dates in a legal case, hoping it will support their narrative about the other parent as an abuser, or result in a continuance of the family court case while the investigation is pending.


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The Investigation

In a surprising number of cases, with a little digging, it can become evident that the parent has made multiple false reports in the past which have been rejected or has made false allegations against other people.

Once an investigation commences, however, especially if it involved allegations of sexual abuse, there cannot be any contact between the child and the alleged abuse until the investigation is over.

This can take a long time to complete, especially in cases where a child medical or forensic examination has to be completed. Overworked case workers also have to contend with the schedules of other professionals who have to complete their work in order to close the investigation.

During this time, the accusing parent has more time with the child and the accused parent becomes even more estranged. In cases where nothing is substantiated, the devastating impact this has on the parent-child relationship often makes a return to the custodial schedule that had been in place untenable.

The Repercussions of False Abuse Allegations

The biggest problem in such cases is that the repercussions for parents who manufacture false allegations of abuse against another parent are often slim to none. Parents who have been the subject of such accusations, even when exonerated, are often too exhausted and beaten down to pursue any potential tort remedies that may be available.

In domestic cases, courts are often reluctant to impose drastic schedule changes fearing this will be a punishment to the child more than to the offending parent. The lack of consequences for parents who engage in such behaviors ignores the reality that their behavior in and of itself is a form of child abuse and is likely to continue without some negative consequences for the false reporting.

Heather Williams Forshey

Heather Williams Forshey is the owner of Raleigh Divorce Law Firm and holds credentials as a family law specialist, family financial mediator, and parenting coordinator. She is a brain tumor survivor and an aspiring writer. She has previously written articles for Attorney at Law Magazine on the Gabby Petito murder case, the Depp v. Heard defamation trial, and false abuse allegations in child custody cases.

Comments 2

  1. Jon T says:

    Your description of false child abuse allegation is eerily similar to what I’ve endured as the targeted parent. It seems to be textbook pattern and yet it is surprising that the textbook response by the legal authorities is to sweep the false allegations under the rug and pretend like nothing ever happened.

    Do you have advice for parents who have been false accused and exonerated? Child Protective Services privately told me to keep security cameras inside my home and bring them with me wherever I go in case I am false accused again. That seems to be a bandage over the actual problem, namely a manipulative ex spouse who will stop at nothing to gain custody. My attorney actually advise me to plea guilty to a lesser charge so that the Juvenile Dependency Court can take jurisdiction over Family Court orders and eventually give 50-50 custody. That seems to be a Faustian bargain. Needless to say he’s no longer my attorney.

    • Heather Williams Forshey Heather Williams Forshey says:

      Generally, I think it is helpful for parents in these circumstances to keep a timeline as well as court paperwork and supporting documentation, but I don’t know that bringing security cameras everywhere is practical, and having them in your home may invite some other legal issues depending on who else resides there.

      Parents who have been falsely accused and exonerated may have civil tort claims as a potential remedy, and would need to discuss this with a qualified attorney.

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