How to Choose The Right Bankruptcy Attorney Dayton, OH?

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If you are considering filing for bankruptcy in Ohio, know that you are not alone. An increasing number of people in our state and throughout the country are experiencing financial hardship. When the debts mount up and make it difficult or impossible to live a normal life, sometimes bankruptcy is the only answer that makes sense.

Need to File Bankruptcy in Dayton, OH? You deserve a Knowledgeable Attorney by Your Side!

Fortunately, bankruptcy can provide real and relatively fast relief. A reputable bankruptcy attorney in Dayton, OH, can help you clear away your debt and move on with your life. It can put an end to high interest rates, calls from creditors, and protect you from repossession, foreclosure, wage garnishment, and more.

You deserve relief from harassment and protection from creditors. Filing bankruptcy can help provide that relief and protection.

How to Choose Your Bankruptcy Attorney

There are plenty of bankruptcy attorneys out there to choose from. So, how do you go about finding the best one for your needs?

Conduct a Search for Strong Candidates.

This first step is much like finding any other professional. You need to figure out what bankruptcy attorneys are available in your area and which are most likely to be good at what they do. There are multiple ways to do this, all of which are worth trying. These include:

  • Recommendations from people you know. This can seem like a pretty old-school method, but it can be faster and more helpful than hours of online research. Let your friends, family, and anyone else you trust know that you are looking for a bankruptcy attorney. They may surprise you with personal recommendations for attorneys that proved to be excellent.
  • Trusted online resources that list and rate attorneys. You’ve got multiple options here, including the American Bar Association, the federal court system, and the Legal Services Corporation. You can also use sites like Avvo to find bankruptcy attorneys in your area.

Check Ratings and Reviews when They are Available.

Many sites will have a ranking system for attorneys. Just like other products and services, the higher the rating, the higher the quality of the candidate should be. Some sites may also list personal testimonies or written reviews, where you can see what past clients have to say about the attorney.

Keep in mind that a regular practicing bankruptcy attorney who has been in business for a while should have plenty of reviews. You are always welcome to hire someone new to the field, but you might prefer to hire someone who has plenty of experience. An attorney with only a few reviews is one you should approach with caution. It doesn’t mean they can’t help you, but you should look more closely at the reviews they do have to make sure they are legitimate.

Verify Credentials

Some credentials are important when choosing a bankruptcy attorney. These include:

  • Bankruptcy specialization. An attorney doesn’t have to specialize in bankruptcy to help you file for bankruptcy, but ideally, they should be. Bankruptcy laws have been fairly consistent since 2005, but that doesn’t mean that things don’t change. You want someone who is well-versed in current bankruptcy law and has helped others in situations similar to yours.
  • Recent bankruptcy experience. Attorneys can shift their focus over time. It’s best to go with one who has helped others file bankruptcy recently, such as within the past few years, versus going with someone who hasn’t worked in bankruptcy law in years.

Interview Strong Candidates.

This is one of the most important steps in the process of choosing a bankruptcy lawyer. Just because an attorney has great reviews or is recommended to you does not mean they are right for you specifically. The relationship between a client and an attorney is like any other human relationship. Some people just get along better than others. You want to know that they are good at what they do and that they can be trusted. But you also want to work with someone you feel comfortable with.

It’s a good idea to interview several candidates before making a final decision. That way, you give yourself the best chance of finding the perfect bankruptcy lawyer for your needs.

Bankruptcy Can Help You Get Relief from Your Debts

Bankruptcy is the legal process designed to help people overwhelmed by debt. There are several different types of bankruptcy, but the most common are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. To give you a general idea of what you will be engaging in with your lawyer, here is a quick breakdown of the most common options:

  • Chapter 7 BankruptcyEliminates unsecured debts (like credit cards). It can require liquidating certain assets to pay some of the debt, such as second homes and investments. But if you don’t have any significant assets, you might not have to pay back any of the debt. This is the most common type of bankruptcy and the one most bankruptcy attorneys will recommend for the average person.
  • Chapter 11 Bankruptcy – Reorganizes debt into a payment plan. This is the type of bankruptcy most businesses file for. It can require restructuring the business and finding new ways to pay off the debt. It is rare for individuals to file Chapter 11.
  • Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – For those who make too much to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Chapter 13 is used by individuals and businesses to create payment plans for paying off debt. These plans are usually structured over three or five years. This type of bankruptcy can allow you to keep assets in exchange for paying creditors. Chapter 13 is more complicated than Chapter 7, so it’s extremely important to work with an experienced bankruptcy attorney if you are considering this type of bankruptcy.

If you don’t make a lot of money or have significant assets, you will most likely file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Of course, you don’t have to figure this out all by yourself. One of the benefits of working with a bankruptcy attorney is that the attorney can tell you exactly which type of bankruptcy to file. No guessing, no mistakes.

You Deserve the Help of a Great Bankruptcy Attorney

The idea of bankruptcy can be intimidating. It’s a big step, and any time you have to use the legal system, it can be hard to get started. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. There is a bankruptcy attorney out there right now that’s ready to help you get much-needed relief. All you need to do is find them. And the best time to get started is right now!

Thomas Fesenmyer

Attorney Thomas M. Fesenmyer (Tom) is dedicated to helping his clients solve their financial issues in a timely and cost-effective manner. Tom has personally filed several thousand cases and has the expertise to achieve immediate results for his clients, including stopping Foreclosures, Repossessions, Wage Garnishments, Law Suits, Utility Shut-offs, Creditor Harassment, Bank Attachments, and Pay-Day Loans. Tom’s goal for all of his clients is asset protection and debt elimination. Tom offers a strong knowledge of the law, a professional and understanding atmosphere, and flexible hours.

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