What is Considered a Personal Injury in Abilene, TX?

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What is a Personal Injury?

All states across America define a personal injury in much the same legal way. You can cause harm to yourself due to your reckless behavior, or someone else can cause you personal injury due to their reckless actions. Personal injuries can occur through the use of a defective product. In these cases, you can hold the manufacturer responsible. Personal injuries happen largely due to reckless and negligent behavior.

Personal injuries can happen at any time and in a wide variety of ways. Personal injury can mean bodily harm, damage to the mind, or emotions. If you are harmed due to someone’s negligent actions, you can bring a lawsuit against them to help pay all the extra expenses due to their actions.

When you file a claim against a negligent person (s) or manufacturer, that entity caused you harm due to their negligence, gross negligence, intentional misconduct, or reckless conduct.

Individual states may describe the damage caused by another entity in various ways. Damages due to negligent actions are always sure to include at least medical bills, pain, suffering, lifestyle changes in your quality of life, and a  host of other unexpected expenses.

Our seasoned and skilled accident/injury attorneys investigate and examine all of the facts surrounding your claim, and we decide who is at fault and the level of their responsibility compared with the status of your injuries. We help you determine if you have a good case.

Personal Injuries in Texas are Wide and Varied

Please know that if you did not consult with a seasoned accident/injury attorney when your accident happened and the accident cost you a mound of expenses, you can recoup some or all of these costs when you file a claim or lawsuit.

Please also know that according to Texas law, you have two years from the date of your injuries to file a claim against the wrongful person (s). The sooner you file a claim, the better. Never allow a negligent person to make you pay for their mistake.

The court may or may not look at the accident as partly your fault. It would be best to be found no more than 50 percent responsible because then you receive no compensation.

Variations of Personal Injury Incidents

  • Assault and Battery and intentional actions

Assault means that another person instills fear of injury into your mind. A battery means that another person causes you injury to your body.

  • Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice has so many variations that it is impossible to list all possible circumstances. One example is that you put all of your trust in a surgeon to do an operation successfully, and during the procedure, the surgeon was negligent and caused you serious injury. Other examples may include, but are not limited to, a misdiagnosis, a surgical error, wrong medication, improper treatment, and the list is endless.

It does not always have to be a doctor causing a personal injury, but anyone in the medical profession, such as a nurse, a technician, the lab, a therapist, the pharmacist, a dietician, a dentist, a dental hygienist, and many more professionals. This list is also endless.

  • Wrongful Death

In a wrongful death, a claim is brought against another entity by the deceased family. A lawsuit could be due to medical malpractice, roadway accidents, construction accidents, slip and fall incidents, workplace deaths, and much more.

  • Slip and Fall Accidents/Death

These accidents happen on private properties such as single-family homes, in businesses, on public streets, in medical facilities, and more.

  • Vehicle Accidents, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, and lone pedestrians

You can sustain injuries if you are a driver, a passenger, or a lone pedestrian on the street. You can recover your losses due to the negligence of another person. Your attorney must decide if you share any of the faults for your accident.

  • Libel and Slander

Defamation of your good character happens when someone spreads untruths and slanders your good name. This type of harm is something you must prove. You must prove that these untruths were statements made recklessly and intentionally by someone else. You must demonstrate how you suffered damage. There are too many different scenarios to list.

  • Dog Bites

If you have a dog and it bites someone, you must pay for the damage. The person harmed has two years to file a claim against you as a resident of Texas.

  • Liability of Products

When you buy any product from a vehicle to a kitchen appliance, you believe that the product works safely. However, when a manufacturer sells you a defective product, you must know who sold it to you, the manufacturer, and who designed the faulty product. All products must come with safety warnings that are complete and accurate. These cases are also complicated, and they take the expertise of a seasoned accident/injury attorney to sort through and help recover your losses.

  • Oilfield Worker Injuries

Oilfield workers are at high risk for on-the-job injuries due to the dangerous and heavy equipment used on their job. Injuries occur from the different types of vehicles used, dangerous gases, chemicals, machinery, and their moving parts, debilitating burns, slip, and fall accidents, and much more. There is a wide variety of injury possibilities related to on-the-job negligence by oilfield workers.

A Call to Action for Personal Injury Claims

If you receive injuries from someone negligent in their actions, you need the help of seasoned and skilled Abilene Personal Injury Attorneys. If you purchased a defective product and have injuries, it takes the skill of seasoned attorneys to come up against these large companies. Everyone you come up against has their attorneys working for them. Never try to represent yourself and think that you can win your case. You will not succeed.

When you sustain injuries due to someone else’s mistake, you need a seasoned attorney to help fight for your victim’s rights. Give us a call as soon as possible to review your case. We can tell you if you have a strong claim against a negligent person or entity. We want to hear your story and help you and we will remain by your side from beginning to end and beyond.


Jon Hanna

Jon Hanna is a second-generation trial lawyer. While formally educated at The University of Texas and Texas Tech University School of Law, his “real” schooling took place in the county courthouses across West Texas. From 1982 to 1992, Jon tried cases to juries primarily involving on-the-job injuries suffered by working men and women. Eventually, that evolved into cases involving catastrophic injuries arising out of operations in the oil fields and oilfield service industries. For the last 25 years, Jon has successfully litigated thousands of cases for clients injured by 18 wheeler trucks, product manufacturers, automobiles, Dram Shop Act (over service of alcohol), and medical negligence.

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